Chapter 1

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I picked up another item off the floor.

Working at a halloween store could be tiring sometimes. I was glad that this job was only seasonal. I mean, how on earth did people put some of the items where they put them? This mask belongs on the complete opposite side of the store!

Glancing at my watch, I noticed we have ten minutes until closing. Time to wrap things up. I approached a customer, not really looking at him.

"Just to let you know, we are closing in ten minutes." I began to walk away.

"What, you would really kick me out?" He teased. I gasped, turning back to my boyfriend.

"Oh sorry Mercer, I didn't notice it was you!" I promised with wide eyes. He pulled my arm toward him, quickly embracing me.

"Merse, I'm working!" I chastized. He chuckled and let me go.

"I came to pick you up, thought I would stop by and say hello."

"Holly, come help us close up!" My boss yelled across the store.

"I'll be back in a few." I promised, reluctantly looking away.

After closing up, I met Mercer outside at his car.

"Are you tired?" He asked me, obviously aware of the circles under my eyes. I nodded.

"I haven't been sleeping well over the last few days. I don't know why. I'm not really thinking about anything in particular, I just have a hard time falling and staying asleep. Maybe it's my dreams." I rambled as we climbed into the car. It was best to be honest with Mercer, especially when he was worried about me.

"What have you been dreaming about?" He asked curiously as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"Werewolves." His light brown brow furrowed, his matching eyes looking troubled.

Our city was the home base for the alpha of the Western American pack. There were fourteen total packs all over the world, and I happened to live in the same area as one of them.

"They're not bad you know. Not as bad as vampires. A lot of them are my friends." He commented as if he was trying to convince me.

"I know Merce. I don't know why I'm having these stupid dreams." Mercer wasn't really a fan of vampires, since they tended to be cocky. Since there were so many werewolves around, however, vampires usually stayed away. So did witches. It was mostly werewolves and humans here.

"Are you coming to Ryan's party tomorrow?" Mercer prodded. I sighed. He has been trying to get me to go for about a week now.

"I don't know it's tomorrow. I might have plans." Mercer frowned.

"You have no plans Holly."

"Okay, so I don't have plans." I agreed.

"So come." He said simply.

"You know parties aren't my thing. I don't belong there." I practically hissed. Mercer smiled.

"Ryan's parents are allowing him to have his birthday party on the condition that no alcohol is involed. There won't be alcohol." Mercer promised.

"Yeah, but there's dancing." I grimaced. I wasn't a dancer.

"We can just hang out with out friends." He promised. I sighed in defeat.

"Fine. I'll go to the stupid party." He leaned over and kissed my cheek right as we pulled up to my house.

"Holly, do you want to go on a date next Friday? It's our two year anniversary." Mercer smiled.

"Of course!" I agreed. I knew he would do something special for the occassion. He grinned.

"I'm going to be a little late tomorrow because of work, so ask Anthony if he will take you, okay?" I rolled my eyes. I didn't even need to ask. My twin would do anything for me.

"See you tomorrow at school." I pecked his lips and exited the car, waltzing into my house. As I unlocked the door I could hear my mom and sister conversing in the kitchen. My twin, Anthony, was sitting on the couch.

"You've got to stop chasing after him. He's a whole year younger and he's not showing any interest." My mom sighed.

"I don't care mom. I'm 17, I'm an older woman! Shouldn't he be flattered?" Audrey grumbled. I nodded to Anthony and peeked around the corner.

"Fighting about boys again?" I asked them. Audrey groaned.

"Oh course. You know, you're only a year older than me and you have a boyfriend, why does mom care if I do?" She pouted.

"You know, Ryan's looking for his mate at his party tomorrow." Anthony entered the room and went to the fridge, pulling out some strawberry milk.

It was a known fact that Alphas can only mate with humans. As to why, it was a mystery. Audrey's face brightened.

"Hmmm, maybe I'm the Alpha's mate. Or another werewolf's mate." She grinned, earning an eyeroll from the rest of the family.

"I can take you two to the party tomorrow." Anthony offered. He must know that Mercer is working.

"Thanks." I sighed, leaning into Anthony. We were a very affectionate family.

"Time for bed." My mom, Jane, commanded. We sighed. Since my parents had divorced a decade earlier, mom had become both the mother and the father of our family.
The party was already in full swing when my siblings and I arrived. Audrey immediately took off, going who knows where. As we entered through the front doors, I was slightly surprised to not smell the stench of alchol, despite already being informed that there wouldn't be any. No one could stop the dirty dancing though. I picked out my friends Kylie and Kiera out on the floor, dancing with some of Mercer's friends.

Mercer and Anthony are best friends, and have a lot of mutual friends with Ryan Freely. Ryan Freely, the host of the party and the birthday boy, was the soon to be alpha of this area. According to the gossip I hear in the locker room, his favorite color is blue, he is 6'4", can bench well over 300 pounds. Ryan and I had been in the same school since fifth grade, but we had never talked in person. I'd only seen him talk to Anthony a handful of times, though I was sure he was aware that Anthony had a twin sister. Anthony and I looked nothing alike. Anthony was short, under six feet, with blue eyes and light brown hair. I had striking green eyes, with darker brown hair. I was 5'7", but still growing and catching up quickly to Anthony.

Anthony and I headed to the refreshment table, each of us grabbing a different soda. I grabbed my usual ginger ale, and he grabbed a grape soda. I followed him to the backyard. A twinkling light canopy lit up the back deck. It felt almost unreal.

He led me over to some empty chairs, and the two of us sat down. Popping open our sodas, we began to lightly sip.

"Do you really think that Ryan will find his mate tonight? He just barely turned 18." I asked quizzically.

"Ashton said that's what Ryan hopes will happen." I nodded. Ashton was Ryan's soon-to-be-beta. He and Anthony were on very good terms.

Suddenly a hand wrested on my shoulder. I jumped in surprise.

"Mercer." I hissed, my heart racing. He already had a coke in hand.

"Want to go for a walk?" He cocked his head to the left, motioning toward the grove of trees that were practically a forest. I nodded. I felt like we hadn't had much alone time recently, with both of us working and with school.

He took my hand and led me toward the grove. I sighed contently, cherishing the moment we had to ourselves.

"What would you like to do for our anniversary?" He asked lightly.

"You know I'll love whatever you plan!" I promised, smiling. He nodded. We sunk into eachother, relishing out time. I could hear a few voices in the distance.

"Let's go a different direction." He suggested. I nodded, and we started to head left, but the voices met us too soon. I saw Ryan, his black hair, glowing blue eyes, and slightly tanned skin, flanked by Ashton and three other wolves. I felt Mercer instinctively tighten his arm around my waist, only for a growl to errupt from the crowd across from us.

I jerked my head toward them in surprise, locking eyes with Ryan Freely. The moment we locked eyes, I felt something internally changing. I immediately sensed his tension and anger. He began to physically shake.

"Mate." He whispered, but I could hear him.

"Excuse me?" Mercer asked, as I felt him tense up in response.

"She's my mate." Ryan growled back. Everyone was frozen in shock. A long silence followed, until I heard footsteps approaching. I sensed it was Anthony. It was a twin thing.

He assessed the situation, probably realizing what was happening. Quietly he placed a hand on my shoulder and on Mercers. Ryan growled again.

"You should already know that he's my twin Ryan." I hissed. I felt Ryan instinctively relax as I said his name. Silence followed again.

"You're Holly right?" Ryan prodded.

"Holly Vennin." 

"How do you know that she's your mate?" Anthony asked. Ryan looked more composed.

"I just know. I'm sure she knows it too."

"How can I know for sure?" I asked softly. I sensed he felt pleased by my voice.

"We just have to touch." Ryan explained. I glanced over to Mercer, who had been immobilized.

"Merce?" I asked, my hand touching his cheek. No response. Ryan growled again.

"You need to find out Holly." Anthony gave me one push toward Ryan. Slowly I began to step toward Ryan, and he took an instinctive step toward me. We met half way, and he extended his hand. I stared down on it, not sure what to do. What about Mercer?

"Holly. I won't hurt you." Ryan promised, causing me to lock eyes with him. I knew he wouldn't hurt me.

Slowly I extended my hand into his waiting palm. The moment our skin made contact, butterflies began to battle in my stomach, as a million tiny shocks radiated from my hand. I quickly pulled back.

"Woah." I breathed. I could feel Ryan's relief and happiness. I took a step back. What about Mercer? Ryan frowned again. I took another step back.

"What about Mercer?" I voiced my thoughts. No one answered. I took three more steps back, and Ryan followed me. Quickly I retreated to Mercer's side.

"Mercer?" I asked, tugging on his arm. He finally broke out of his trance, his eyes full of grief.

"Merce?" I asked again. I felt the uneasiness Ryan was feeling. It literally vibrated off of him. I didn't break my eye contact with Mercer. Mercer took a deep breath.

"Holly. I have to let you go." Mercer stated simply. I felt myself panic.

"Mercer no! What-"

"Holly. He is your perfect match. The puzzle piece that fits you perfectly. And no matter what I wished could be, it can't be. I'm not that puzzle piece." I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"Mercer-no!" He let go of my waist, quickly pulling away.

"Mercer!" I cried out again, as he ran away, out of my life.

Anthony pulled me into a tight hug. I was crying uncontrollably. The only thing I was aware of were Anthony's arms and Ryan's extreme grief. He didn't want me to feel sad.

"Why-why can I feel what you're feeling?" I stuttered.

"It's the mate bond." Ryan whispered.

I began to take deep breaths, attempting to calm down. There would be time to cry later. Wiping under my eyes, I turned to face Ryan. I had to make a snap decision.

"Ryan, I'm not going to be one of those girls who immediately rebounds after breaking up. Even if it was for the meason of finding a mate." Ryan looked miserable.

"Look I'm not saying I'm rejecting you, I just need some time." I clarified. I could feel the tears threatening to spill over again, but I shook my head. Slowly, Ryan nodded.

"I have one request. Can I hug you?" Ryan whispered, vibrating with longing and worry. I nodded, feeling empthy. Ryan quickly closed the gap and pulled me close.

"Can we start as friends?" He asked, and I nodded again. I felt comforted by his hug, like the emptiness was slowly being filled. Too soon, I pulled away.

"Bye Ryan." I whispered, walking back to Anthony.

"Anthony, can we have a sleepover tonight?" I asked as we approaced the car.

"Definitely." He agreed. The ride home was silent and he left me to my thoughts. I knew that the moment we got home that mom would likely ambush me.

My hunch was confirmed, as we walked through the door she asked me how the party was. In a panic she turned to Anthony and asked where Audrey was. Apparently he had arranged for Kiera to give her a ride home. I could tell my mom was worried about me. I didn't want to talk about it.

"Anthony can tell you. I'm going to go and shower." I mumbled. Before I could leave mom pulled me into a hug, which made me a bit uncomfortable. I didn't really want her hug. She could tell, and released, sighing. I immediately returned to Anthony's embrace.

"It was always you two who were comforting each other." She grumbled jealously. I know she wishes she could be the one to do it. I shrugged and headed upstairs to the shower. I heard my pug Naga following me. After quickly washing my hair and face, I got out of the shower and tugged on my pajamas.

Anthony was already waiting in his bed for me, my favorite blanket looking very inviting. I jumped in, snuggling into Anthony's side.

"Anthony?" I asked.


"I'm not going to school tomorrow. Please watch out for Mercer."

"I will Holly."

And then we fell asleep.
I'm attempting another werewolf story, after countless begs from people who have read my other one. It's been two years since I wrote that story (I met my mates at starbucks)!
I hope if my writing has not improved, that my maturity level has.
Enjoy! I'll update ASAP.


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