Chapter 10

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I won't be able to update for the next week due to final exams.

I'm holding two contests currently-

1. If you read the last chapter, you know that Holly will eventually gain a Luna power. I have some ideas of what I might have her ability be, but I'm not sure. So, give me some ideas! If you win, you'll have that chapter dedicated to you!

2. I'm not the best at making covers for my stories- I need a good cover! Please email your entries to, the winner will have a chapter dedicated to them, a shout out, and their cover will be the cover of my story! :)

Now, onto the next chapter.

I hung up the phone, jittering with excitement. I had gotten the job! I could even stay here and live with my family, and only have to periodically fly to California and Canada. My music would be in movies! I was a composer! College really did pay off- my dreams were coming true. I could probably teach some lessons for a few instruments on the side too.

I knew who to tell. I quickly flipped to my contacts to call Ryan. He picked up after two rings.

"Ryan I got a job!" I cheered before he could say anything.

"I thought I felt your excitement. Who are you working for? Wow that was fast! Three weeks after graduation!"

Ryan and I had been getting to know each other better over the last three weeks, and we were really learning a lot about each other. I think he's caught onto me by now, that I blame myself for everything, even things that aren't really my fault at all.
Ryan had been so sweet and patient with me. He knew I still wasn't ready to dive into anything. We were both just enjoying getting to know each other.

"It's for Pixar! They're going to have me partner up with other composers for a while until I get the hang of it. They're flying me out to LA to talk to me next week." I couldn't be happier.

"Do you have to move to LA?"

"No, I will just have to go there for a few weeks at a time for projects, and occasionally to Vancouver too. Why?"

"Just wondering if I needed to move to LA too." I felt a blush rise to my cheeks and I felt glad he couldn't see me over the phone.

"You didn't think you could leave me behind did you?" He teased after he had received no reply.

"I was too excited to think about anything but actually getting the job." I admitted.

"I know darling. I'm just teasing you." Again with the pet names.

"I wouldn't ask you to move." I told him, and I could almost see the frown on his face as he sighed.

"No territory in the western US is off limits to me. And the Alpha of Canada and I are good friends." He reminded me. I sighed in reply.

"Well I don't anticipate having to move, so that settles that. I just wanted to tell you before I told other people."

"I'm first? I'm honored!" I rolled my eyes at his cheesiness.

"Let me take you out to celebrate. Let's go to dinner." He suggested.

"As a date?"

"Our first official date. How about tonight?" He confirmed.

"Hmm I'll have to check my schedule." I joked.

"You have no schedule woman." He growled menacingly and I chuckled.

"You're right, I'm free!"

"I'll pick you up at 6." I made a mental note.

"See you then."

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