Chapter 28: Epilogue

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Nine months later

"You know, if I have a daughter, I think we should name her Emma." Laura smiled at Clay, who looked a bit shocked. I smiled at the two of them. I had already seen their future-- their daughter would be named Emma. I wasn't going to spoil it for them, however.

"Talking about children already? We've only been married six months! Would you be okay with naming her Emma?" Clay turned tense.

"Of couse Clay. I know she was your mate, but I want you to remember her name as something different. As our child."

I groaned. The epidural made me numb, but I was still slightly annoyed by the amount of people in my hospital room.

"That's great and all guys, but could some of you leave? It's a bit crowded in here." I insisted. Clay and Laura laughed, kissed my head, and left the room.

"You too Anthony and Clair, please?" I begged Anthony and his fiance. They both laughed at me.

"Of course Holly. Please just let us know when the baby comes." Anthony squeezed my hand and left the room.

"We'll let Chris know too." Anthony added before he closed the door. Chris had moved to Canada to work with Mercer in Vince's pack, and had joined Vince's pack too, where he found his mate. Mercer had gotten married last year to Laura's sister, and I heard she was expecting soon.

Ryan squeezed my hand and stroked my hair.

"We're going to be parents Holly." He repeated for the millionth time. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yes Ryan. We are." Ryan lightly stroked my very pregnant belly.

"Our future Alpha." He breathed. I think he was more excited about this than I was.

A knock on the door alerted us that someone was about to come in.

"Ah Holly. Looks like it's time." The doctor told me. I felt my eyes widen.

"O-okay." I agreed.

"I'm right here Holly." Ryan took my hand.

"Prepare for your blood flow to be cut off." I warned. He laughed at me.

"I'm a werewolf. I don't think you could do that to me."


"Okay I take it back! Holly you're cutting off my blood!" Ryan hissed.

"Just a few more pushes Holly!" The doctor told me. It was almost over.

"Shut up! I'm giving birth to your future heir!" I hissed back. Ryan must have gotten the hint and stayed quiet.

"One more!" The doctor called. I pushed will all my might, and ten seconds later I heard a cry.

"Yup, it's a boy." The doctor told us. I let myself fall off my elbows and laid back on the bed. I felt exhausted.

"Dad, would you like to cut the umbellical chord?" The doctor asked Ryan.

"Sure." Ryan agreed, getting up and leaving my side. I heard him inhale.

"He's beautiful Holly." I heard a snip of scissors.

"He better be. That was a lot of hard work." I grumbled. I watched a nurse wrap my baby in a blanket as he continued to cry. She wiped off his face lightly with a wipe.

"Here mom, you'll be the first to hold him." The nurse offered the bundle to me.

I stared at my baby boy who still hadn't opened his eyes. He seemed to sense my presence and began to calm down. I felt the doctors trying to help me get decent before the crowd came in.

"I'll call everyone in." Ryan went to the door and left for a moment. I was in my own little world with my baby. He had Ryan's nose for sure, and dark hair. I wondered if he would have dark hair like his father. I heard the door open again and a whole crowd of people entered. Anthony and Clair, Clay and Laura, Ashton and Kylie, my dad and Kara, my mom, Brady and Mara, and Audrey. I was surprised so many people could fit in here.

"My nephew is adorable!" Audrey squealed, moving over to look at him more closely. My baby began to cry again when he was startled by her voice.

"Shhhh." I cooed. After a minute he calmed down again. Ryan had told me how werewolves had an especially strong bond with their mother.

"Let Ryan hold him. He hasn't had the opportunity yet." The crowd parted to let Ryan through. I slowly handed Ryan our son.

"Holly, this is the happiest day of my life, aside from the day you married me." I saw a tear escape his eye. I smiled up at him. He was going to be the best dad. That's for sure. After Ryan held him, he passed him around to everyone.

"I can't wait to have one of my own." Laura sighed. Clay nudged her playfully. The grandparents all had their fill of the first grandbaby, and then passed him onto me.

"So what's this name you've been mysteriously guarding from all of us?" My dad finally asked. I grinned up at everyone.

"Oh, you're right. I can tell you all now."

I turned to my baby and saw him opening his eyes for the first time. They were nearly the same shade of green as mine. I smiled at my look alike.

"Welcome to the world, Greyson. "

Important author note:

You know, as I sit here and sip my hot chocolate, I realize I'm going to miss writing this story. Good thing I wrote a sequel/spin off called Grey, and I'm currently writing another book called Maddox! Check them out!

Here's the end of Holly and Ryan's story. I'd like to thank you all for reading! This has been a really fun story to write. I'm currently working on a spin off which involves their son, and the main character is Laura and Clay's daughter Emma. Here's the preview and description! Check my profile for the first chapter of Grey, which has been uploaded!

"I'll give you a deadline dad. If I don't find a mate by the time I graduate, I'm going back to Alaska. I'll be an adult by then. You can't tell me what to do after that." I would do anything to come back to Alaska. I loved getting away from the pack. I loved my peaceful lifestyle and my solitude. I wasn't about to let it slip away because of some werewolf crap. I was only human.

Emma Bradley is much too human to belong to the Canadian pack, or that's what she feels anyway. Though she is the daughter of the famous Beta Clayton Bradley, she is 100% human just like her mom. After being forced by her dad to come back home and find a mate he believes exists, Emma will do anything to go back to Alaska and live in peace. She comes home on one condition- that if she doesn't find her mate by graduation that she can return to Alaska. Does this mate actually exist? Or will she be able to escape before the deadline she gave her dad?

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