Chapter 26

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Ryan was definitely acting weird.

At first I thought it might be because we were having a combined family Thanksgiving dinner. I wasn't really stressed about it because I knew my parents got along really well with Ryan's parents.

Then I thought it might be PTSD from the battle with Vance, but that didn't really seem to fit either. I started to get really worried so I began to listen in on his thoughts. But every time I did he was always thinking about different TV shows or pack business.

The day before Thanksgiving I finally got the guts to ask him what was up. I found myself trekking to his office in the pack house, where we were currently staying to prepare for Thanksgiving.

I lightly knocked on the wooden door three times. This office was soundproof, so Ryan would have to come to the door to let me in if he wasn't busy. The door cracked open and Ryan's exhausted face appeared.

"Come in Holly." I smiled at him and let myself in the office. He went to lay on the couch and pointed to himself, telling me to come lay on him.

"Just what I needed. A break." He whispered as he nuzzled his nose in my hair.

"You know, you never need to knock on my office door. You're always welcome." He added. I could feel how exhausted he was.

"Ryan?" I asked softly.


"Are you okay? You've been acting weird lately." I commented. Nothing about his reaction made me think anything was going on.

"I'm just really tired. Since dad wants us to take over soon I've been really busy learning more about being Alpha." He sighed.

"You need to rest Ryan. You can't keep this up or you'll completely break down."

"Dad's letting me have Thanksgiving off and a few days afterward. And I'll definitely get Christmas off." I could hear the relief in his tone.

"I know how hard it is. If you ever need a Holly break, I'm right here." I grinned up at him. He pecked my lips.

"I'll always need a Holly break." He muttered.

That afternoon we accidentally fell asleep on his office couch.


I heard a knock on the door, signaling my family's habitual promptness. We were a bunch who was always on time. I smiled at went to get the door.

"Holly!" Anthony was in front and immediately pulled me into a hug.

"Hey Anthony." I smiled at my twin. I missed having him around all the time.

"Good to see you guys!" I called to my family members as they entered the Brady and Mara's house.

Anthony and Ryan smashed into each other's chests, initiating a bro hug. It was amusing to me because Anthony was several inches shorter than Ryan. Anthony gave Ryan a knowing look and walked toward the kitchen without another word. Now I was really confused.

Chris entered and gave me a hug that felt just like the one Anthony gave me-- the hug of a brother. I heard a low growl emitting from the kitchen and Chris and I both laughed. Kara came in behind Chris and pushed him toward the kitchen.

"I'm so glad we are all together." Kara grinned at me. I nodded in agreement.

Mom and her boyfriend still weren't back from their traveling, so it didn't feel completely "together" to me. I missed her.

Dad gave me a hug before we all preceded to the kitchen.

"Brady!" My dad called, his arms already open and anticipating a hug.

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