Chapter 13

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Picture: Chris

Hey Readers! I love interactive readers! Don't be afraid to comment! I'd love to respond to your thoughts and ideas and opinions. 

I finished finals now! I'll have more time to write over the Christmas break.


"Hey Holly, I didn't know you were coming over!" He let me through the door. I smiled.

"I needed a break from work." I admitted sheepishly. Brady grinned back.

"Ryan just got home from work too, I'm sure he could use a break. My company keeps him busy. He's up in his room."

"Thanks!" I called, heading up the stairs. I knew Ryan could sense that I was here. Before I could reach his door, it cracked open. Ryan looked tired, but not exhausted. He was still in a white button up shirt, buttons askew, and suit pants.

"Holly." He didn't really look surprised to see me. He pulled me into a quick hug.

"It's been a long day." He sighed. I nodded against his chest.

"How was work?" I asked.

"Let's go lay down." He pulled me over to his bed.

"Work was... work. There's a huge contract that's in jeopardy because of my beta. He screwed something up." We both lay down and stared into each other's eyes.

"I know you'll be able to fix it. And Ashton will make it up to you. He's always been a hard worker, from what I can remember." I had hung out with him a few times in high school, along with Mercer and Anthony.

"He better, or that'll be more work for me, and more time away from you." I scowled at the thought.

"I don't want life to be work work work work." I complained. Ryan caressed my face with his hand.

"I'm sure it'll get easier once we get the hang of it. We're still pretty new at all of this." I flipped over onto my back.

"I wish we could spend more time together." I sighed. Despite my mind occasionally straying back to thoughts of Mercer, I was really growing attached to Ryan and I probably had the mate bond to blame.

"I agree. We definitely need to spend more time together. I can't stand being away from you for too long, but I wanted to give you your space." He admitted, pulling me closer to him. I ran my hand through his soft raven hair, and he smiled.

"You've been doing that too much lately. Treating me like I'm going to break or run away at any moment." He was silent for a bit too long, so I looked up at his face. He was staring at me, looking as if he was fighting with himself.

"I just don't want to lose you Holly. I already lost you four years ago." He still looked like he was having an internal battle. His eyes looked sad.

"Ryan, will you tell me more about those four years I wasn't there?" I laced my fingers within his, trying to convince him and comfort him simultaneously.

"I went to college, I worked, I trained to be Alpha, I looked for my mate. That was it." I frowned at his straightforwardness.

"Was it hard? Looking for me, but not being able to find any answers?" He stiffened a bit.

"The second hardest thing I've ever gone through emotionally." His eyes were still searching mine.

"What was the first?"

"Watching another man with you."

"Mercer?" I asked. I hadn't said his name out loud for a while now. He nodded.

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