Chapter 4

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I threw my graduation robe over my head, yanking my arms through the sleeves. It was a standard black robe. My makeup was already done, and all that was left was to curl my hair. I focused solely on fixing my hair, not letting my thoughts stray anywhere else.

Just as I finished the last strand of hair, Anthony and Chris slunk into the room fully clad in their graduation robes, looking on edge. After I put the curling iron down Anthony pulls me into a tight hug, Chris engulfing both of us. Chris' sandy hair gets in my mouth and I sputter.

"You're lucky I didn't put on lipstick yet." I mutter. He chuckles, his deep brown eyes illuminating with humor.

"I told Chris about Ryan." Anthony mentions, and I nod. I trust Chris enough for him to know this.

We break our group hug and I grab my lipstick, quickly applying a deep brown color. I chuck on my shoes and grab my bag.

"Are you sure you want to drive with Mercer?" Anthony asks again. I sigh deeply.

"Yes Anthony. I'm not going to tell him until after graduation."

I hear footsteps on the stairs and I know it's Mercer. My family already left to get seats.

He entered the room, also wearing his graduation robe. I studied his unsuspecting form, brown eyes full of energy and messy brown hair that he pulled off effortlessly. I felt sad.

"Ready to go babe?" He asked, kissing my cheek. I nodded, looking back to Anthony and Chris.

"Yeah, let's go." I forced a smile and pulled Mercer out of the room. We walked to his car in silence, and as usual he opened my door for me.

"Thanks," I muttered as I slid into the car. He didn't really seem to notice my change of attitude. He talked about his family's lunch plans for after graduation. I added in the necessary responses. In no time we were at the school.

Mercer continued to chat while we walked into the auditorium, and I tried my best to act enthused.

"See you right after." mercer promised, kissing my cheek as we departed to our places in line. I finally had some time to think. When would I tell Mercer that I am Ryan's mate? How would he react? I felt myself begin to panic. Anthony squeezed my hand and I jumped. I hadn't noticed that he had taken his place in line.

I managed a small smile, still feeling out of it. I vaguely heard as my name was called and Anthony pushed me forward, jump starting me.

I robotically marched up the stage, received my diploma, and walked back down. Very anticlimactic. My college life was officially over.

I located Mercer outside by our agreed meeting place. He looked absolutely thrilled. Before I could reach him he ran up to me and pulled me into a big hug.

"Holly we did it! College is over!" He pulled me into a deep kiss which set my heart a flutter.

Guilt began to wash over me and I felt the deepest of anguish wash over me. I was going to ruin this. To ruin our relationship, our future, and most importantly his happiness. Tears began to slip out before I could try to stop them. Mercer suddenly pulled back.

"Holly, what's wrong?" I could already feel his high deflating. I shook my head.

"M-merce, can we talk somewhere more private?" I choked out. This was the hardest thing I would ever have to do. He nodded slowly and apprehensively. Pulling my hand, he tugged me into a nearby, secluded grove of trees. Such a beautiful place for such a horrid memory to be made.

"Holly what's going on?" I took a deep breath.

"Mercer, I love you so much. Please never forget that." I started. I saw panic on his face.

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