Chapter 12

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I'm a big liar, kind of. I found more time to update! Won't be able to update until later this week though. 

Pic: Audrey

I sighed and set down my pencil. I had been composing for five hours now, and thought that I deserved a break. I wasn't planning on going anywhere today, so I had opted for yoga pants and a sweater, throwing my hair in a messy bun. I stretched my arms and legs, and then got out of my chair to check my phone.

I want to show you my wolf sometime.

It was Ryan. True, I had never seen his wolf, but I was scared. Not scared of him or what he was, but scared that this could make me more committed to him, when I didn't know if I was ready. I decided not to reply for now. 

I felt my stomach rumble and decided to head downstairs to find something to munch on. I ran into Anthony on the stairs.

"It's Sunday, and you're still working? Take a break." He looked worried, but I just smiled.

"I love my job. It's okay." I promised.

"Audrey is downstairs by the way. She just told dad that she's going to stay here for the summer, since mom is on vacation." I nodded and headed downstairs.

"Holly!" Audrey called out, coming to envelope me in a hug. I hadn't seen her for almost six months, since she was going to an out of state college. 

"I haven't seen you in ages!" I hugged her back.

"How's Mercer doing?" My face immediately dropped. I guess no one told her about anything. Perhaps they were leaving it up to me to tell her.

"Oh well-"

"Audrey is home!" Hunter yelled, and moments later several footsteps were heard on the stairs. Chris, Aaron, and Elise appeared in the room moments later. After several hugs, we all made some popcorn and clambered off to the movie room to have a sibling night. We liked to do it when all of us were home.

Anthony walked in a few minutes later, carrying some chips and licorice. Now it was really like the old times.

Since Audrey hadn't been home for a while, the brothers agreed that she should choose the movie. 

"Twilight." She smiled innocently as our brothers yelled angrily.

"I'm just kidding you fools. How about the usual?" We had a tradition of watching George of the Jungle as often as we could. We had all loved the movie since we were kids. 

"Yeah!" Hunter agreed, already popping the DVD into the player. I smiled at his excitement. He was such a happy kid. 

We all chowed down on popcorn while Audrey, Anthony, and I started to quietly whisper in the corner. 

"I think I'll actually be able to graduate a semester early." Audrey smiled. 

"That's great. I wish I had done that." Anthony sighed zealously. I shook my head.

"College was great. I have so many good memories." I admitted.

"Cause of Mercer?" Audrey winked. Anthony cleared his throat and looked pointedly at Audrey. 

"What, did I say something wrong?" I could see the panic set on her face. I gave Anthony a knowing look and he backed off. I knew him like the back of my hand. 

"I guess they let me be the one to tell you Audrey. Mercer and I aren't together anymore."

"WHAT?!" She shrieked, and all our other siblings turned to look at us. Chris glared at Audrey. 

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