Chapter 8

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Photo of Mercer on the side


"Wait, Holly, why do you smell like Mercer?" I froze.

"I slept in Anthony's room last night and Anthony borrowed one of his shirts." The excuse rolled easily off my tongue. I kept calm so Ryan wouldn't suspect anything. He nodded, accepting my answer. He appraised me, taking in my messy pony tail, hoodie, and leggings that I wore last night. I realized how chaotic I must look and felt self conscious. Ryan smiled.

"Good to know that you look good in the morning." He smiled sincerely.

"Not that you haven't already seen me in the morning." I reminded him. Hearing myself outloud, I blushed. Did I really just say that? It definitely alluded to something that wasn't true. His smile turned into a cocky grin.

"True..." He began but I cut him off.

"Well my family is all eating breakfast, let's go meet them!" Anything to get him to not talk about my unfortunate use of words. I grabbed his hand and pulled him down the stairs as quickly as possible. We rounded the corner and entered the kitchen. Kara was at the stove, and Dad, Chris, Aaron, Hunter, and Elise were all sitting at the table munching on french toast. It was a Monday, and usually my younger siblings wouldn't be home.

"Hunter, how come you guys are home?" I walked to the table and ruffled Hunter's hair. He shot me a dirty look. But the kid can't help loving me anyway. I'm his favorite sister.

"It's a teacher comp day." He mumbled sleepily. I nodded.

"Who's the boy you're holding hands with?" He asked me after he swallowed another piece of french toast. I felt blood rush to my face, and I quickly let go of his hand. I could feel he was anxious, and me letting go of his hand made it worse. I settled and grabbed the bottom of his shirt instead. I knew the contact would ease his nerves. Kara had stopped baking the french toast and turned to us. My siblings and dad were staring at us too.

"Oh, yeah, um. Yeah." I mumbled unintelligently.

"I'm Ryan Freely. I'm Alpha Brady Freely's son." He answered for me. He seemed calm and level headed, but I could tell he was nervous.

"Huh? He's not Mercer." Elise spouted out. My heart felt heavy.

"Yeah Lise, does he look like Mercer?" Anthony came in behind us wearing a dinosaur t-shirt and skinny jeans. Anthony kissed my cheek and went to sit down by the table.

"Anthony! You're so mean! That's not what I meant!" Anthony smirked.

"Where is Mercer?" Lise pressed, and I felt a tear escape my eye. Lise noticed it and quickly shut up, probably realizing that she had gone too far. Lise really liked Mercer.

"R-ryan told you he's the Alpha's son, right? He's a werewolf. And I'm Ryan's mate." I worked hard to steady my voice and to calm down.

I heard my three younger siblings audibly gasp.

"You're his MATE?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah, thanks for re-establishing that Aaron." Anthony teased. Aaron shot him a glare. Anthony really was the teaser in the family.

Chris, Kara, and my dad all looked at me with empathy in their eyes. I heard Lise sniffle and my gaze shifted to her. Her eyes were full of tears.

"I'm so sorry Holly! I didn't know. I know you didn't have a choice." She ran up to me and hugged my middle, and I returned her hug. I had felt Ryan stiffen as she spoke the last part of her outburst.

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