Chapter 25: Ryan's story [bonus]

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I walked through Holly's back door and followed her scent. She was by the front door, watching her family drive away . 

She was obviously close to tears. My wolf was begging me to make her happy. 

"They'll be safe Holly." She jumped slightly at the sound of my voice and slowly turned around. 

"I know they will be Ryan. I'm just worried because I can't see what will happen."

"We don't need to know the future to win." I was confident. 

"I just can't figure out what to concentrate on! If I concentrated on the right thing, I'd be able to see the future. I've tried concentrating on the battle but I can't see anything."

"Then concentrate on Vance."

"I did. I just see you two fighting."

"Oh good, I thought he might chicken out or something." I grinned, but I meant it. I wasn't going to let Vance escape. I would do anything to protect Holly, even if it meant dying. 

"We should go to the backyard." I barely caught what she said. Her anxiety hit me like a train. I started to get frantic. 

"Calm down baby. I will protect you." I pulled her into a hug to calm her down. 

"I am calm." Like hell she was. 

"Liar. I feel your anxiety. It's the worst I've ever felt coming from you." 

"I know you'll protect me Ryan. I'm not worried that and I don't question that. I'm worried about you. And about Ashton, and Chris, and Ilsa, and Vince, and everyone else fighting. I don't want anyone to die." I didn't want anyone to die either, but I had been raised to realize that it was part of being a werewolf. Being a werewolf was dangerous.

"Holly, that's part of pack life. The risk of dying is even higher than it is for humans. Everyone knows what they're doing. They're protecting their Luna. A pack is nothing without it's Luna- they don't feel complete without her. Things can fall apart without her leadership alongside the Alpha. That's why Alphas search harder than any wolf to find their mate." That's one of the biggest reasons I searched for her. That, and I knew I wouldn't be complete without her. Looking back I realize how true it really is. I wouldn't be myself without Holly. 

"I get that other people care about me Ryan. I know other people think I'm worth fighting over. I just don't believe it myself." I grabbed her face and forced her to look up at me. 

"This isn't about fighting over you. This is about protecting you. We are on the defense here Holly. We aren't initiating a war, we're protecting ourselves from someone who wants to hurt us. Even if we didn't fight, they would still come after us."

"Well when you put it that way..." I just wanted to kiss her worries away. 

"I love you Holly, more than anything in this entire world.More than my parents, more than myself, more than my title of Alpha, more than my whole pack. I'll do whatever it takes to protect you. I don't know what I would do if I lost you."

 He probably wouldn't stay sane. I heard her think. 

You're right Holly. I would do that. Few Alphas stay sane if Lunas are taken from them. The only Alphas I've ever met who stayed sane, their mates died naturally.

"Thank you for loving me Ryan. Even when I didn't deserve it, even when I ran away, even when I loved someone else, thank you for loving me and being patient with me, especially when I couldn't forgive myself." She stood on her tiptoes and pecked me. 

"Please protect yourself Ryan." 

"I will." I promised. Heaven knows what would happen to Holly if I got hurt or died. 

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