Chapter 18

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Happy Christmas! Surprise upload!

Updated picture of Holly in chapter 6. This chapter's picture is Emilsa.
Also, as a heads up, I'm going to be writing a spinoff of this story after I finish this one. Don't worry though, there are still qutie a few chapters to go!

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I slept through the three hour drive to Vancouver. There was just something about that car that always knocked me out.

"Clay, just because your mate is gone doesn't mean you have to give up on love. It is possible to love again. I know. I knew I had a mate, but I still loved someone else. It is possible." I told Clay.

I was startled by a loud noise and woke up. We were probably close to the Canadian pack house by now.

"Sorry, I dropped my phone. I didn't mean to wake you up." I stretched in my seat, arching my feet.

"It was time for me to wake up anyway. I'm sorry I fell asleep!"

"Holly, I just saw your vision." My head snapped to face him.

"What? How did you see it? What are you talking about?"

"I heard your vision I guess, rather than saw it. That's why I dropped my phone, I was shocked. I guess you're going to have a talk with Clay?" I pouted. He could hear my visions? I preferred not to share some of them.

"I'm sorry, I was just trying to see if you'd be waking up on your own soon, or if I would have to wake you up." Ryan explained. I sighed. I couldn't blame him. Though there were some visions I was glad he didn't hear.

"We're about three minutes away." We were in a suburb area but quickly moving away from it. More and more patches of forest flashed past us. I took in the scenery. It was so green, and the temperature here was cool, just like Washington. I really liked Canada. We took a sharp left turn and before my eyes I beheld yet another large, International style mansion. It was nearly as big as Ryan's pack house. We pulled up the driveway.

"We're here." Before Ryan could open my door for me I climbed out so I could stretch my legs. Ryan frowned slightly, but went to get our luggage in the back instead. He pulled out our two small suitcases.

I glared up at the blinding afternoon sun. Hopefully it would start setting soon.

"Follow me." Ryan called from the other side of the car. I reached in the passenger seat to grab my bag and gently closed the door, picking up my pace to catch up with Ryan. He pulled a suitcase in each hand, so I wasn't able to hold his hand.

"Give me a suitcase so I can hold your hand." He smiled at me and complied. I took my suitcase from him as he interlaced his fingers with mine. As we approached the door Ryan didn't make a move to knock. I stared at him curiously. I was about to ask if I should knock when the front door opened and revealed a girl who looked a lot like me. My mouth popped open. I had never met someone who looked so like me. The biggest difference was that her hair was lighter than mine, but we looked eerily alike. She looked about ten years older than me, however.

"Ryan! Lovely to see you. I'm glad to finally meet you too Holly!" She opened the door wider to let us pass. It was big enough that we could both fit in without letting go of each other's hands.

"I'm Emilsa, Luna of this pack. Welcome to our home!" She smiled at us both. I was still in shock.

"Hmm they were right. Holly does look a lot like me." Her eyebrows knitted together for a moment, then the smile returned.

"Thanks for letting us stay here Emilsa. You guys are a big help." Ryan smiled back.

"Anytime! Vincent loves having you stay here. He wants a guy's night. I myself want a girls night." Her eyes flickered to me and I smiled shyly. I wasn't usually shy, but her type of personality could overwhelm me sometimes. I could already tell she was very talkative.

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