Chapter 9

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Just to warn you, the next few chapters are going to slow down a bit to focus on Ryan and Holly's relationship.

Please read the note at the end!

Picture of Anthony on the side


"A vision during the day?" He sounded just as confused as I did. 

"I thought you only had visions when you slept at night." I had told Ryan all about how my visions worked when we had spent a few days at the cabin. 

"I wasn't even fully asleep. My mind just drifted, like a daydream. I wonder if it's changing because I met my mate?" I wondered aloud. 

"That's possible. You'll get some more abilities because you met me anyway." My eyebrows rose.

"What?" I sat up, staring Ryan dead in the eyes, demanding an answer. He looked a little uncomfortable.

"Oh, I was going to tell you later..." He mumbled.

"Too late. Tell me now." I shook my head. He sighed as he sat up to face me.

"Well, since you're becoming a Luna, one of 14 in the world, you're going to gain special abilities to be able to protect yourself and your people. You'll notice some of the changes very soon, and some later..." He was trying to be ambiguous. I wasn't going to let it slide. I knew he was avoiding something. He awkward look in his gorgeous blue eyes said it all. Wait- don't get sidetracked. 

"What will I start to notice soon?" I prodded, delicately taking his hand in mine. I knew how to win, and he knew that I would win too.

"Um, your strength will increase, as will your speed, hearing, eyesight, and smelling." I nodded my head.

"That seems pretty normal. Why are you uncomfortable then?" I securely interlaced our fingers and traced lines on his hand with my free hand. Sparks were flying. I was definitely winning. 

"Fine. You win." He sighed in defeat. My tactics had worked. 

"Well, uh, after I mark you, you'll be able to join the pack mind link. But you and I have a special mind link, once because we are mates, and two because we are Alpha and Luna." 

"What's special about it?"

"We'll be able to tune into each other's thoughts whenever we want. With the pack, they have to decide to let their thoughts through to the link. But for you and me, we can listen whenever we want, regardless of if I don't want you to hear what I'm thinking." My brow furrowed. My thoughts wouldn't be private?

"That sounds like we won't have any privacy."

"But it can also be an advantage." He argued. I shook my head.

"I'll overlook this one for now. What's this special power I'm supposed to get as a Luna?" He looked even more uncomfortable about this question. He ran a hand through his raven hair. 

"Can't we talk about this later?" He begged. My curiosity was raging, there was no way I'd let him back out. 

"Nope." I stated. He sighed again.

"Fine. After we mate, you'll gain some power. We won't know what it is until you get it. No two Lunas have the same power, so you can't have the power to teleport, turn invisible, shapeshift, run almost at the speed of light, or control the four elements. All the other eight found Lunas or the Lunas next in line already have those powers." He looked into the corner, flushing red. I felt confused.

"What's embarrassing about that?" He stayed silent as I thought over his words.

"Wait... What's the difference between marking and mating?" His blush deepened because I had figured him out.

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