Chapter 19

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Some quick notes:

1. Confirmed 28 chapters for this book

2. Currently writing the spin off: It will be called "Grey". I'll post a preview of it at the end of this book!

3. I appreciate your comments! Thank you so much!

Picture of Vincent.

I assessed my own state of being. I think that mating made me love Ryan more than I ever thought possible. Feelings I didn't know existed yesterday existed today.

I stared at his sleeping face. He looked at peace- more than I had ever seen him before. Did he feel it too?

I don't know how long I stared up at the ceiling waiting for Ryan to wake up. My stomach was starting to feel that skipped dinner. I was surprised he hadn't woken with hunger yet- werewolves ate much more than humans.

The arm around my bare waist twitched and I knew Ryan was making up. His thoughts began to stir.

That was amazing. Was it even real? Is she really mine? He groaned and snuggled into me.

Yes to all. I replied. His eyes groggily shot open and raked over my naked body.

"All mine." He growled as he lowered his lips to my mark. For the first time I saw his mark too. I smiled as I saw HF outlined by the familiar crown. I shivered as his lips brushed across my collar.

"I'm starving." I admitted just as my stomach rumbled loudly. He moaned.

"I'll never get enough of you." He was definitely getting aroused.

"I'll never get enough of food." I joked. His eyes narrowed. I took the opportunity to take in his sexy bed head and nude body. Dang. I am one lucky girl.

Thanks. I blushed slightly.

"Let's just go get food please. Please." Ryan nodded and rolled out of bed. I got up too and we headed to our suitcases to grab some clean clothes. I went to the bathroom to check out my hair. It was a nest. I tried to pull my brush through it with little success. I settled for putting some water on it to settle it down.

Ryan came in behind me, now completely dressed. I still hadn't gotten to that. His eyes hungrily appraised me. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm getting dressed now." I pulled myself out of his grip and walked back into our room to change my clothes.

"No more pain." I smiled as I pulled on some pants.

"And we'll find your power soon enough." My hands remained on the shirt I just pulled on.

"I forgot." I admitted. He was waiting by the door.

"But food is more important right now." My stomach was eating itself.

"Food." He agreed. He took my hand and brought me down to the kitchen. This pack house was huge and I had no idea where I was. Upon entering the kitchen I saw Vince and Ilsa eating some french toast and talking quietly. A few more pack members littered the kitchen, including Nick and another little boy, who were happily munching on french toast. Clay was in the corner on his phone. All the males in the room froze and I heard them inhale.

"So that's why you didn't come to dinner last night." Vince smiled up at us mischieviously, and seconds later Ilsa followed. He must have told her.

"Now we gotta figure out your power!" Ilsa clapped her hands. She really was a get down to business kind of girl.

"Can I eat first?" I begged. Ilsa and Vince both laughed. We walked over to the counter where left over french toast was waiting. I took three pieces- I was starving. Ryan took five. I rolled my eyes at him.

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