Chapter 27

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One year later

I stared at the little plus sign on the stick.

"Already?" I groaned. Ryan and I had discussed not having kids for at least two years after getting married. We wanted to settle into married life first. And yet here I was, pregnant.

"I can't believe it!" Laura hissed next to me. We were currently sprawled out on my bathroom floor both intensely staring at both of the pregnancy tests I had taken. They were both positive.

"Neither can I." I groaned again. It wasn't that I didn't want the baby, I just didn't feel ready to be a mom. I was only twenty-three!

Laura and I sat on the floor in complete silence.

"You know, I hope it's a boy." I told her after a long pause.

"How come?"

"Anthony was born a few minutes before me. He's always been the protective older brother that has helped me through so much. I want my kids to have an older brother like that." I admitted. I looked at Laura, who looked deep in thought.

"Plus, it wouldn't hurt to have our first kid be the heir to the Alpha title." I added.

"That's true. Though I myself want a girl. A little girl who I can spoil." Laura smiled. I nudged her playfully.

"Well you better get on that!" I smiled. She and Clay were getting married in three months. I saw her flush red.

"No, we kind of have the same idea that you and Ryan had. We want a few years to ourselves first." I nodded at her and smirked slightly.

"We'll see how that plays out. You can see how well that ended up working for me and Ryan." I sighed at the end.

"Well you were together for over seven months when you got married. So that's one year and seven months of knowing each other before you got pregnant. Almost two years right?" She justified. I just shook my head.

"So when are you going to tell him?" She whispered, afraid that Ryan might have left his soundproof office. Apprehension struck me. When would I tell him? How would I tell him? A smile slowly began to creep on my face.

"Our year anniversary is in two days. Ryan loves surprises. I think it's time I got revenge on him."

"Revenge? For what?" Laura looked at me with utter confusion clear on her face.

"Remember when he was planning to propose to me and he basically avoided me for weeks?" I attempted to jog her memory.

"What? Yeah, you told me about that." She agreed. My evil smile played at my lips again.

"I think it's time for me to suddenly become a... lot more distant for the next day and a half." I grinned. Laura shook her head at me.

"Holly, that might not be a good idea. Alpha's tempers aren't as... well anyway, it wouldn't be good to make him upset. I've seen him upset. You know he can get possessive." She hinted.

"No. I'm going to do this. It'll build up the surprise." I argued. Laura shook her head again.

"I can't stop you, but I won't help you either."

"That's fine, all I have to do is think about other things. I'll be fine." I told her, grinning and getting off the bathroom floor. I collected the pregnancy tests and chucked them into a ziploc bag. I still had use for them.


On the day of our anniversary Ryan was definitely unhappy. I felt slightly smug as I had managed to avoid him reading my thoughts about the subject. He tried a lot, and tried harder the more unhappier he became. I was pretty determined to think about a video game series that I liked to play in my spare time, Kingdom Hearts. I constantly made sure I was thinking about the plot, the fights, the music, the characters. Especially when I felt that light pressure in my head, letting me know that Ryan was listening in.

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