Chapter 21

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Another picture of Ashton

We pulled up in front of Ryan's house before heading back to talk to my dad. Apparently he had to sign some paper work.

"Holly!" I heard Mara yelling as we walked up the porch. She engulfed me in a hug.

"I'm so glad you're safe!" She whispered. Ryan's little brothers appeared at the front door their mother had left open.

"Man that was a close one." Ryan's little brother Ben smiled, trying to ease the tension. Ryan let out a growl. In response I swatted his shoulder.

"Be nice to your brother." Finn and Jace laughed in response. Those boys were adorable. I really needed to spend some more time with Ryan's family.

"One of your secretaries is inside." Finn pointed his thumb behind him.

"Ah, it's Laura. Great. Thanks bud." Ryan patted Finn's shoulder as we passed him through the doorway.

"Laura's here?" I couldn't help the smile that crept onto my face.

"I have a feeling that you'll hit it off." Ryan grinned in response. We walked up up the stairs into an office I had never been in before. I guessed it was Brady's. Inside was the blonde haired blue eyed girl I had seen in a couple of visions.

"Alpha Freely, I just need you to sign these and you'll be done." She told him as we entered the room. Her eyes turned to me and immediately her face lit up. She had some kind of innocence to her that I couldn't quite pin down.

"Hi Laura, nice to meet you. I'm Holly!"

"Nice to meet you Luna." She bowed her head slightly. Instead of taking the hand she offered to me, I pulled her into a hug.

"Nonsense. Don't treat me like I'm above you. We're both human!" I pulled back to see Laura blushing and looking down.

"Um, thanks Holly." I laughed and patted her shoulder lightly. I had the sudden compulsion to shut my eyes.

"You're adorable. We are definitely going to get along." I told her. She smiled up at me- she was short, many inches shorter than me.

"You should come over and hang out sometime." I suggested. The smile on her face grew wider.

"I would love that!" I smiled back. It was getting harder to fight closing my eyes.

"Here are the papers..." Ryan started talking to Laura, so I took the opportunity.

"All I have left is my sister and my dad. My sister is living abroad right now, and my dad disappeared a long time ago." Laura shrugged, leaning further into the couch.

"Does it hurt?" I asked. She shrugged again.

"I have a feeling you'll meet someone very special soon- someone who can wipe away the pain of the past. I know I did."

My eyes opened again and I smiled at Laura. She and Ryan were still talking.

"Okay Alpha, that's all I need from you." She put the papers in a folder.

"Laura, will you come to the pack house for a movie night?" I asked. It would be the perfect opportunity to get to know her better.

"Sure, when?"

"How about on Friday?" She agreed, and then packed up her stuff and left. Ryan and I were left in the room.

"You're knifing, you know that right?" Ryan laughed, pulling me by my waist into him.

"We've got something bigger to plan for." I reminded him. His eyebrows arched.

"We have to go talk to my dad." I hinted. Ryan's eyes widened slightly.

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