Chapter 16

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I was woken by the sound of my phone going off and I shot up, completely startled. Ryan shot up next to me, aware of my obvious distress.

"What's going on?" He hissed out, fully awake now.

"Sorry, my phone scared me." I admitted sheepishly. I grabbed my phone off the bedside stand and glanced at the time. 9:30. I had a new text message. Ryan put his chin on my shoulder, watching me.

I'll be in Washington for a few days. Can we meet to go over what we've got so far?

"I guess I'm going to have to work." I sighed. Ryan let out a low growl.

"I hope he learns to keep his thoughts to himself. You're mine." His stubble tickled my exposed skin.

Sure, when?

Short and to the point. Maybe that would deter him. He texted back immediately.

I just got into Seattle. What's your address?

I sent him my address with Ryan still looking over my shoulder.

"I also have to go to work today. I'll come visit in a few hours though, so the pain won't get too bad." He kissed my shoulder where my mark was, making me shiver.

"Your mark is beautiful." He smiled against my shoulder and a deep growl of appreciation ran through his body. I turned to look at it. The black outline of the crown was deep and dark, framing his initials.

"I need to get ready." I breathed. Ryan slowly pulled away from my shoulder and let me go.

"I'll stay here until Clay gets here." He laid back down in my bed while I got up to find clothes. I settled for a loose sweater and a short skirt, not really caring a whole lot since I wasn't going anywhere. I went into the bathroom to fix my hair and apply some light makeup. After eyeliner, mascara, and foundation, I was done. I had to look at least somewhat presentable.

"Change." Ryan growled when I came out of the bathroom. I rolled my eyes at him.

You should learn right now that you're not going to be allowed to dictate how I dress. I don't dress this way for anyone but me. It's comfortable for me.

He glared over at me, fully getting out of my bed.

"I don't want Clay seeing you like that. Or Chris. Especially those two." I smirked at him and headed out of my room, knowing he would be following. I walked down the stairs toward the kitchen, only to be stopped before I could walk inside. His arm grabbed my waist and he pulled me close to him.

"Hollyyyyyyy." He complained. I had to crane my neck to see him because he was so tall.

"Ryannnnn." I mocked.

"You are blocking the wayyyyyy." Audrey copied us both. I laughed, and pulled myself out of Ryan's grip.

"Audrey, this is Ryan. Ryan, this is my sister Audrey. She's been living at home this summer." Ryan extended his hand and Audrey took it with a smile.

"Great to finally meet you." Audrey's grin didn't fade. We both moved aside so she could go into the kitchen.

"Let's eat." I suggested. Ryan's frown returned.

Don't think I'm going to forget this conversation Holly. I stuck out my tongue. We both made out way into the kitchen.

How about cereal? That's a fast meal. I suggested.

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