Chapter 3

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"So you'll go to the dinner?" Mercer sang out, eyes shining. I growled. I stretched, attempting to release all the stress from my last final. I was officially done with college.

"Yes Mercer I will go. There. Happy?" I was still on edge, despite having the confirmation that Ryan wouldn't be attending.

"Yes, extremely happy. You only graduate from college once you know! Well, unless you go onto get another degree..." His explanation had holes in it. I smirked.

"I feel like you just want to see your old wolf buddies again." I joked. Mercer glanced back, smiling lightly.

"Well, there's that too, I suppose." He shrugged. I frowned.

"So, what's the dress code." I sighed in defeat. Mercer grinned.

"Semi formal." I nodded, contemplating what I should wear. A green dress came into my mind. It really brought out the color of my eyes.

"What time should I pick you up tomorrow then?" Mercer pressed. I sighed again.

"6:45 is great."

"Perfect." He agreed.

We parted ways and headed to our cars. I glanced at my watch. 2:33. I had some time to kill. Since finals were over, I had no agenda. I decided to go for a walk in my favorite part of the forest, to shake off some of the post-finals stress I was still feeling.

I clambered into my car and turned on the air conditioner. It was getting hot.
The forest was only a ten minute drive, and once I reached my destination I parked my car in a small lot meant for campers. No one should be around right now, however. It wasn't quite camping season.

I sighed again and shuffled out of my car, ambling through the forest. I reflected on my performance in my finals, and contemplated what I should do after graduation. Graduation was tomorrow after all. I had applied for some jobs as a music instructor and a composer for a movie company, and o had yet to hear back.

Would I leave Washington? Leave my family? I didn't want to leave Mercer. But maybe it was best to leave. Get away from Ryan Freely.

I froze suddenly. The forest seemed much too quiet. I couldn't hear a bird, not even a rustle. I could feel panic rising up in the pit of my stomach as I remembered my encounter with the rogue during my childhood.

I felt my heart rate and breather quicken, and adrenaline began to course through my veins. My body was going into flight of fight mode.

I heard a rustle from behind me and whipped around, preparing for the worse. A man stepped out from behind a tree, looking as surprised as I was.

"Holly?" His familiar voice called. I concentrated on his figure trying to see. He took a few steps closer.

"Brady?" I asked, assessing Alpha Freely. He had aged since I had last seen him. He was definitely middle aged now.

I noted his deep blue eyes. Ryan had inherited that trait.

"Holly! How are you? You're so grown up!" He ran up and crushed me in a hug. I was stunned

"I'm good! Wait, why are you in the forest?" I asked, equally curious.

"There have been some rogues around here and... It's not safe to be alone in the forest Holly." He frowned.

"I thought you leaned that last time." I shivered a bit.

"Speaking of which, have you discovered anything different since then?" I knew what he was talking about. I nodded. His eyes lit up and I could see the intrigue.

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