Chapter 24

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"This better work Holly." Kara was shaking her head every few minutes, as if she was still in shock. She was hugging Elise and Hunter to her as if they were her own life. I didn't doubt that they were her entire world.

"You'll be completely safe in the pack house. I promise. I've already seen a vision and they won't go there." I told her. For now, I was letting the world think that my Luna power was to see the future. The whole sound thing would be a secret.

"If you say so." She whispered, grabbing her purse and overnight bag.

"Time to go kids!" Kara called up the stairs, still hanging onto Elise and Hunter. Aaron came down the stairs lugging a rather large suitcase.

"What on earth is inside your suitcase?" Kara demanded. Aaron stared at her blankly.

"Mom. Guys need stuff too."

"No, which video game system did you pack?" She pressed. I decided to step in and save Aaron.

"Aaron, the pack house has a gaming room with anything you could want." I hinted. A big smile lit up on his face and he ran back upstairs, the suitcase hitting each stair as he went.

"No wonder he already lost his chance at a scholarship, that boy is an addict." Kara muttered under her breath. Dad had already left earlier in the day to make it look less suspicious, especially if rogues were watching. Chris had insisted on staying back to fight, much to Kara's chagrin. He was back at the pack house with the other warriors, along with Ilsa and Vince.

I could hear several steps racing down the staircase.

"I call shotgun!" Audrey yelled.

"No way, I'm older!" Anthony argued. I smiled up at my siblings as they ran down the stairs. Both of them had backpacks on.

"Anthony gets shotgun. No arguments. Go get in the car." Kara deadpanned. Anthony grinned while Audrey pouted. Audrey gave me a lingering hug accompanied by a look, and then went out to the car. Kara started pushing Elise and Hunter out the door, and then Aaron when he came downstairs with just a backpack.

Elise and Hunter broke away from their mom to give me a hug.

"I'll see you soon." I promised, kissing their heads. Kara gave me a hug too, and a knowing look.

"Be safe." She whispered, walking out the open front door. The only ones left were me and Anthony. We made eye contact, though no words were said. I was in his arms in a second and we were squeezing the life out of each other.

"I love you." He told me after we came apart.

"I love you too Ant." He smiled even when I used the nickname he hated.

"Love you too Holl." Unshed tears clouded my sight as I watched him run to Kara's car and get in the front seat. I hoped this would work. I had tried really hard to have a vision about the outcome of this battle, but I couldn't seem to get my concentration right. But I knew the rogues would be coming in a matter of hours. I was glad that my family was safe, if anyone.

"They'll be safe Holly." I jumped at the sound of Ryan's voice. I hadn't heard him come in.

"I know they will be Ryan. I'm just worried because I can't see what will happen."

"We don't need to know the future to win." He said confidently. I ignored him.

"I just can't figure out what to concentrate on! If I concentrated on the right thing, I'd be able to see the future. I've tried concentrating on the battle but I can't see anything."

"Then concentrate on Vance."

"I did. I just see you two fighting."

"Oh good, I thought he might chicken out or something." Ryan grinned, but underneath I could tell how serious he was.

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