Chapter 5: Ryan's Story [bonus]

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This chapter entails what Ryan has been experiencing up until now. Basically, it's just a lot of lonliness! Photo is of Ryan. 


I remember when my parents took me to meet the witch.

"Brady, so good to see you!" The middle age woman smiled at my mom and dad. They returned an equally welcoming smile.

"It this Ryan?" She asked, turning to me. I felt a little shy, since I had never met her before. Being around ten at the time, I hid behind my dad. I peeked back around to her, smiling shyly.

"You're such a cutie. Come here. Let me take your palm. I'm going to tell your future!" She chortled. My dad pushed me toward her.

"Remember what we said Ryan, this is really really important." My mom added. I nodded and stuck out my hand. The witch took my palm and her eyes immediately glazed over. 

"His mate is in Washington. Near the ocean. Settle in the biggest area there and you should find her. She is a human." She let go of my palm and smiled. I smiled back. I couldn't wait to grow up and meet my mate. I saw how strong my parents relationship was, and I wanted it for myself. I realized that even at ten years old. 

"Looks like we are moving to Washington." My dad grinned. 

Lots of girls hit on me. I was the future alpha of the Western United States, and everyone wanted my power. Being my mate would mean a lot of power. I wasn't bad looking either, and I've been told I'm nice. My black hair I inherited from my mom's Spanish blood and my dad's same striking blue eyes set me apart from a lot of guys. But despite all the girls throwing themselves at me, I never found my mate. I didn't want anyone but my mate. 

I'd been looking for her for so long. My mate. My other half. We had moved to Washington to find her. Little did I know she had been in my school for the whole time.  My wolf told me I was supposed to find her on the night of my 18th birthday. But I didn't. And I was furious with my wolf. But he had a good excuse. She had found out and had left before I could find her.

College was rough. I spent all of my free time searching for my mate, always hitting dead ends. I tried everything I could think of. But it's always the one thing you don't think of that leads you to the solution. I checked the names of the girls who had moved around the time of the party. 

When I got close, I found her through an unusual method. I smelled her scent on my dad.

After my dad told me who she was and that she had the power to see the future, I knew she had been purposely avoiding me. Anthony and his sister had moved before the party. He hadn't said anything about it, and we still saw each other from time to time. But all this time, had he been hiding it from me too? It made my furious. Why did my mate run away? 

So I skipped my own graduation and went to to my mate's graduation in order to talk to her. 

I catch her scent as I walk our of the doors, treading toward a grove of trees. I hear crying and my wolf screams at me that it is Holly. I run over to the grove. I start to feel angry because I smell Mercer too. What is he doing here?

"Holly it's for the best." Mercer spits out. My eyes widen.

"Holly?" I call, shocks coursing through my body as I say her name. She and Mercer turn toward me. I noticed that Mercer was also crying. 

"Holly are you okay?" I take a step forward and she steps away from me. It makes my wolf angry, despite the sensitivity of the situation. I cover up a scowl. 

"What's happening?" I ask, trying to adjust my tone to the situation. 

"She just told me about you." Mercer piped up. I raise an eyebrow.

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