Chapter 2

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I shot up out of bed, breathing heavily.

I have been having the same dream for over four years now- ever since my senior year of high school.

I ran my hand through my tangled hair and took a deep breath. Slowly I sank back onto my pillow.

The night after I had had this first dream, or rather vision, I had completely flipped out.

I sobbed into my pillow, not wanting to face reality. Why did this have to happen? These visions always showed me what would happen. They always came true.

"Holly! Holly! What did you see?" Anthony was gently shaking me, stroking my hair. I stayed silent for a few moments, trying to calm my sobbing.

"Anthony, I have to get out of here. It can't come true. It can't. I won't lose Mercer." I still sounded hysterical.

"What? Is Mercer going to die?!" Anthony exclaimed, surprised. I quickly shook my head.

"No. But if I don't get out of here I will lose him." Anthony's face shriveled in confusion.

"What's going on Holly?"

"I'm Ryan Freely's mate."

After the first time I had the vision, I decided to leave town and to move in with my dad and his new family. I needed to get as far away as possible from Ryan Freely, even if my dad's house was only half an hour away. I had to be extremely strategic in telling Mercer, since he knew I wasn't particularly partial to my dad. I told him I wanted to give my dad a chance.

My mom was very understanding. Only she, Anthony, and my dad knew about the visions I had, and the reason I had them.

When I was six I had gone into the forest alone, despite every human being warned time after time that rouges were out there. Only I didn't know about werewolves at the time. It was midday and I was following the sun peering through the trees. Anthony and I had just had our first fight, and it was about him spending more time with his friends than spending time with me. I had run out into the forest to let off some steam. I had been walking for thirty minutes, following the sunlight, until I ran into a river. As I got closer to the river, I saw the figure of a man leaning against a tree, assessing me. I froze, very confused. Why was someone else out in the forest?

"Hmmmm, you smell lovely." I don't remember the sound of his voice, only the words. And then he was on me, biting my leg. It was the most excruciating pain I could experience as a six year old. I screamed, for who knows how long, until I heard some growls and felt the man being tackled away from me. I closed my eyes, caving into the pain.

"Crap, no. Don't close your eyes child." A firm voice commanded me. I tried to fight it.

"She's just a child." He sighed, as the forest grew silent. My eyes flickered open. A man I didn't recognize was cradling me, carrying me through the forest.

"What's your name?" He asked. I felt safe with him.

"H-Holly Vennin." I stuttered, seething with pain. He frowned.

"I'm sorry this happened Holly. I know where your parents live, I'll take you home. I called a doctor to come help you there." We walked in silence as I fought with the pain shooting up my leg and spreading through my body.

"Holly? HOLLY?!" I heard my mom scream as she saw the man approaching with me in his arms.

"Brady, what happened?" My dad whispered, holding my mom in his arms.

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