Chapter 7

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Sunday morning Ryan and I slept in until noon. We had stayed up watching movies until three in the morning, since we figured we could just sleep in. That was the first night I slept in his arms. His arms made me feel secure and helped take away the pain. It must be part of the mate bond.

I woke up before Ryan. I was lying on my side facing his chest. I would never get used to how attractive he was. I looked up to his head to make sure he was still sleeping. Unfortunately his eyes were cracked open and he was smirking.

"I know I'm hot." He chuckled, his chest rumbling. I pouted.

"So smug so early in the morning." I commented.

"It's hard to be humble when you're me." He grinned again. I rolled my eyes.

"I'll humble you." I threatened as I sat up and tried to get off the bed. His arms caught me and caged me back to his chest.

"No way Jose." I pouted again.

"Ryannnnn." I complained. I really wanted to brush my teeth.

"Just five more minutes." He promised. I sighed. I owed him that much. I don't think I'd ever get over how much I had hurt him.

"I'm sorry Ryan." I muttered again. His grip tightened.

"Holly stop apologizing. The past is the past. Just live in the moment." I still wanted to apologize. After five minutes he let me leave to go to the bathroom. When I saw myself in the mirror I gasped. I really needed a shower.

"Ryan?" I poked my head outside the door.

"Yeah?" He was sitting up now in all his shirtless glory. I flushed a bit.

"I-I'm going to take a shower."

"Oh yeah that's fine. My mom has some shampoo in there. There should be everything you need." He grinned. He looked like a god despite his bed head. He pulled it off nicely.

"T-thanks." I stuttered again. My heart was running at a million miles an hour.

Sure enough there was vanilla scented shampoo and body wash in the shower. It felt good to get clean. After I showered I toweled off my hair and got dressed. This was my third day in the green dress, but I didn't really mind.  When I left the bathroom Ryan was already dressed in some jeans and a black t-shirt. I was almost drooling. I scolded myself.

"Oh hey, if you want you can borrow some of my mom's clothes. I'm sure you're sick of wearing the same dress." He pointed to the bed where some jeans and a white lace shirt lay.

"Are you sure? I'm fine with wearing this."

"It's fine, she's glad to help out!" He grabbed the clothes off the bed and handed them to me.

"Thanks." I went into the bathroom to change into his mom's clothes. We were the same size, so they fit me perfectly. I really loved the white lace shirt. The shirt torso was thick white fabric, while the sleeves were lace. I quickly fixed my hair again and exited the bathroom. Ryan was nowhere to be found. I went out to the kitchen where he was sitting at the bar. His eyes turned to me and raked me over. I felt a blush rise up my body. I knew he could sense my embarrassment.

"I got you some lucky charms." He mumbled with a mouth full of cereal.

"My favorite, thank you! You remembered." I smiled and sat down next to him. We ate in a comfortable silence. After I washed out our bowls and put them away I went and sat down next to him.

"It's only fair that I do the dishes, since you cooked." I chuckled.

"If you call cereal cooking." I added.

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