Chapter 1

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Raph's P.O.V

It's been 2 months since we defeated the Triceratons and saved the earth.
The NYC have been quite for a while, and the lair, it's a great feeling to be home.
Commander G'Throkka told Mona that she can stay in earth, and since we didn't have a room for her, she stayed in mighty mutanimals place, and she's fine with it. We meet up every once in a while.

My brothers and Casey always tease me for the way i love.

"you're a weirdo raph!"

"why would you choose a giant lizard out of all the creatures?"

"oh look at me! I love my lizard girl!"

"dude, if i was you, I'd definitely forget about love"

It hurts, but it's ok, I won't give up on Mona! I love her just the way she is. She is a great warrior, she's an understanding woman and she treats my anger better than my family and friends do. But Mona is not the only one.

I jump on rooftops as I'm in my deep thoughts. I stop on one roof that I know is far away from everyone.
I look down at the streets. The cold breeze hits my backshell, giving me the shivers.

I always loved leo since we were 12. And it's a wrong way...

Tears are blurring my eyes, but i back them away.
Why am I like this? Why can't I just love Mona and forget about Leo? I've known him since we were turtle tots, as brothers, but I don't know Mona Lisa for that long, it's less than a year.

One thought interrupts the other ones, making me frown.
I know Mona Lisa betrayed us, betrayed me! But she just wanted to save her planet and people. I respect that, it wasn't her fault. but guys are still ranting about how do i still love her. Well, love can't change..right?

My frown deepens. The cold swelling stopped as my eyes fell down along with my head to an alley.

'but loving my own brother? That seems wrong, so very wrong.'
i always adored leo, for his brave personality, for being protective over us, for having that dorky smile, those cute-

My eyes widen as I realized what i just imagined. I slap myself hard and mentally cursed for having that thought.
'what is wrong with me?!'
I took a deep breath and looked at the sky, attempting to calm myself, repeating sensei's sentence.

'like a river over stone.'

'a river over stone..'

'over stone...'

My eyelids flicker and they shot open, as i shout in frustration.
"what is wrong with me?!" holding my spite, my voice breaks and gets shaky.
I unwrap my wrappings and look at old scars I gave myself. I get out my Sai and hesitantly, put it on my wrist.




I look at my wrist as the blood runs down. Three should be enough, for now. I rewrap my wrist. I don't wanna kill myself, yet.
I make my way to the docks to clean the blood i left on the rest of my arm.

~~*Time skip*~~

As I come back to the lair, I hear my brothers in the kitchen whispering. I slow down and listen.

"dude, do you think that raph should stay?"

"I don' know mikey, he's really attached to his Mona Lisa gurl."

"ok, this may sound harsh but i can't stand it anymore, none of us can! If he doesn't change his opinion in less than two months, we'll make him leave this lair once in for all! If he really loves her, then he should move to their planet!"

"Donnie, that IS harsh!"

"we have no choice April. He could become just like one of them."

Their sound soon became a fuzz and faded.
I couldn't believe my what i just heard. My own family..wants to... Kick me out for something i didn't do wrong...?
Pressing my teeth together, I ran to my room.

I plopped on my bed, thinking about what ran through my ears.
'they..t-they do hate me, don't they?'
I slowly burst out crying in my pillow silently, which is rare for me, and before I know it, I was asleep.

Hi guys! Nice to see you again. The story idea was from "Clara792000". Thanks for the idea, you're my only friend so far :') ok, bye guys!
(i also edited it a lil)

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