Chapter 14

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Donnie's P.O.V

I was still traumatized. I couldn't believe my eyes. I didn't want to accept the reality. As my hands were shaking, i reached out to my desk's edge, using it to get up. I couldn't look away from his arms.
I slowly stood up, covering my mouth. I felt tears wanting to come, but i backed them away. I ran towards the kitchen, grabbing a wet towel, then running back to my lab. I put the towel on his wrists, rubbing the blood away.
'why didn't i notice it?'
I grabbed the wrappings, then slowly rolled them around his arms.
I sat back on my chair, putting my left palm on my head.

I didn't thought the words could hurt so much. I thought the person would be just mad or sad, but this?
I sighed a deep one.
'this is more than that.'
I rolled my chair to my computer, turning it on.
'what am i gonna tell the others? I can't just straight up go and tell them!'
I glanced back at Raph.
'maybe keeping it is a better idea.'
I turned back and opened my browser, then clicked on the search bar.
"What causes depression?"
My hands trembled typing the last word. I took a deep breath, then clicked the search icon.
So many results popped up, more than i expected. I gulped and clicked on the first link.

I was reading about depression for straight up one hour. Sleep didn't mean anything to me that night.
I heavily sighed and leaned back on my chair. I deleted my search-history then turned around to Raph's direction.
'abused, mentally and physically'
'heart broken'
This two thoughts kept running in my mind. Well, we didn't actually abuse him, but we did say some..not nice words.
I frowned in confusion. Heart broken? Well, I'm not sure about that one. I mean, he is in a relationship with Mona Lisa, but has she ever cheated on him? I don't know about that, yet.
I got up from my seat, heading towards the bed i placed Raph on.
I got on my both knees and placed my arms on the bed, crossing them. I put my left hand on his wrists, softly rubbing the bandages with my thumb.
'Raph, I'm so sorry. I should've known how much the words would hurt. I made a mistake. I hope you forgive me when you woke up.'
I frowned sadly, getting glossy eyes. If he ever wakes up.
My frown changed into a confused one. Why did he fight shredder? He never goes at him alone. Unless..
I kept thinking. The location we found Raph at was kind of close to shredder's lair. If anyone gets in a battle with him, they won't come out from his lair, Well, not alive at least. So, the only option i have left to investigate is : Shredder himself went to fight Raph. But why? For what reason? Sure, he wants us all dead, but why him?
I sighed in confusion. Maybe a one-night research isn't really going to work.
'I'm gonna ask him for more details..if he wakes up'
That night, i couldn't make myself to close my eyes. and when i did, i couldn't sleep. That night, was one of the longest nights i ever had.

-next day-

The smell of usual breakfast woke me up. I attempted to open my eyes, but they were glued together. I finally forced them open, achieving irritation when the air hit my eyes. I rubbed them and sat up. I somehow managed to look around. I've been sleeping on my lab's ground the whole night.
'guess i just fell asleep'
I went to my full-body mirror. [don't ask me, i have no idea if he has one or not]
My eyes widened at my own sight. My eyes were like ripe tomatoes. I also noticed some lines of dried tears.
'I've been crying during my sleep?!'
I harshly rubbed them away then went to wash my face.

When i entered the kitchen, Leo was already at the table, half-awake and half-asleep.
"hey Leo, did you have good sleep?"
I said while i sat on my usual spot.
"Hey Don. Yea, kind of- Oh my God, Donnie!" i tilted my head confused, then realized my eyes are redder than ever.
"Are you ok? Your eyes are popping out!" he asked me while he stood up. i chuckled and gestured him to sit down, He hesitantly did. "Yea, i guess i only slept two hours?" i lied. I actually did sleep, But if i told them that, they would doubt me.
"Two hours?! Donnie, i know i told you to look after him, but i didn't tell you to stay awake all night!" he said, tapping his forefinger on the table. He then crossed his arms and looked at me with pouty face.
"Besides, you told me that we need at least 8 hours of sleep yourself!"
"jeez leo. I told you I'm sorry. I wasn't actually planning to do that, i just got..distracted." i said closing my eyes. They really did sting. The picture of last night came to my mind, giving me shaky moves.
"Ugh, fine. BUT only this time, Donnie. Next time, you'll have a punishment from both Splinter and me."
"Aww, but leo!" i complained in joke.
"no buts, Donnie. I'm concerned for your health."
'about my health, tch, Right. Worry about your hot-head brother, not me'
Leo was finally chilling out when Mikey had to spoke.
"which 'But' did you mean, leo? 'but' or~" he said as he put the dishes on the table. Leo's eyes shut open as he shushed him.
"aw, c'mon leo! I know you want some of that 'Butt'~" i couldn't help but chuckle uncontrollably.
"Mikey!" leo lost it. He began chasing Mikey around the lair with his sword.
"WOUH WOUH! Chill out BRO!" "No chill when i wash that dirty mouth of yours! Stop! That's an order!"
Their voices faded by getting far from the kitchen.
The corner of my lips curled up to a smile, but it vanished again. I sighed and thought about last night.
'it's a good thing that they don't know. don't know about the truth that is going on behind those walls. The reality that is always bitter.'

I was so deep in my thoughts when a hand on my shoulder startled me. I turned around, just to see splinter looking at me with a warm smile.
"Oh, H-Hi sensei!" "good morning, my son." he looked around like he was scanning the area.
"where are your brothers?" he asked me while he walked to the fridge, getting a cheese-icecream from ice-cream kitty.
"Leo is chasing Mikey because he told a dirty joke."
He looked surprised but he took it in anyway.
"hmm. And Raphael?" my breath got stuck in my throat, making it hard to breathe. I gulped and tried to find an excuse.
"w-well..." my brain wasn't working. I couldn't find any excuse, even a lame one.
"well?" he walked over to me, raising an eyebrow.
"H-he's still asleep! L-last night, he didn't show up for patrol so we went after him. A-and we found Casey's place..err, drunk.." i said the last word very carefully. Master Splinter didn't approve of drinking alcohol. "Hmm. Very well then.." after he finished his ice cream, he walked out of the kitchen.
I wiped my forehead's sweat. That was risky.

Mikey and Leo were back at the table, eating their breakfast while i finished mine. They were chatting about usual things that i didn't pay attention to when..
"what is going on here?!"

The thick and stern voice was coming from my lab...

[hey guys! I'm so so so so so sorry for the late update!!! Our country have cut off every single server! Let's just say we're deprived from internet. That's the reason why i couldn't even connect to this app. Again, I'm so very sorry!!]

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