Chapter 15

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Mikey & Leo were back at the table, eating their breakfast while i finished mine. They were chatting about usual things that i didn't pay attention to when..
"what is going on here?!"

he thick & stern voice was coming from my lab...

Donnie's P.O.V

The three of us looked at each other in horror, realizing about Splinter's usual routine -which was walking around the lair at mornings.
I sighed a shaky one, looking down.
"Let's go tell him.."
As i got up from my seat, I walked to my lab's direction, My brothers behind me. I reached the door to find it open. Leo peeked from behind me to see what is going on in there, widening his eyes & going paler than usual. He has never saw his equal in that state, & it was one his top fears. He stopped me from going in & got ahead of me, entering there himself.
Mikey was the one to look next. He also peeked from my right side, gasping in horror and dread. He backed away some steps, holding his hands onto his mouth. He haven't actually witnessed his older brother in the state of being in a comatose, & he never expected to see either. I turned around & gave him a 'you can go if you're uncomfortable' face. He shook his head from side to side in disapproval.
I deeply breathed and entered my lab, walking towards Splinter.

He was holding Raph's head in his arms, standing above the bed. He kept scanning his body, getting a more horrified face each second. Suddenly, my heart-beat started beating in a rapid speed. My chest heavily raised and lowered. 'what am I gonna do? I lied to him! I have to somehow recover the "self-harming" part.' the word 'self-harm' made my mind ache. I didn't like this word, it made me uncomfortable.
The question of Splinter brought me out of my spaced out state;
"what has happened, my sons?" his voice was yelling that he was angry, beyond angry, but he was remaining calm.
Both Leo & Mikey's eyes fell on me, expecting me to answer. I looked at Sensei nervously & bit my lips when I finally decided to start.
"R-remember when I said he didn't show up last night..?" he slowly nodded for me to continue, as his frown deepened.
"well..we didn't actually find him at Casey's place..we actually found him..." my voice got shaky as I couldn't continue my sentence. I held my throat & looked down as I gestured Leo to continue, while I heard him gulp.
"w-we actually found him..injured..on a rooftop, close to..shredder's lair..."
I looked up, just to see Splinter's face with anger & disbelief.
He let go of Raph's head, coming towards us. Mikey and i backed away some steps, but leo stood there strong.
"Why haven't you told me anything?"
Leo took a deep breath then answered him the way I couldn't imagine him to.
"with all respect we had & have Sensei, we didn't see the right to tell you. You were meditating & we knew it wasn't the right thing to say to mess up your mind. In short, we didn't have the courage to do so, I didn't have the courage, as the leader I am; I would tell you anything, but this time it was a different situation & I knew it wasn't the right choice." giving all his confidence, he looked up at splinter, while me and Mikey had our Jaws hanging.
Splinter seemed to be tensed up, but he finally took it in & calmed down. He sighed, closing his eyes.
"You are right, my son. My mental statement was not prepared for something like this. I fear that losing another family member will tear this family apart. I do not want to lose another, anymore." with that being said, he walked out of the lab, going to the dojo.
I was relieved that he didn't give us any punishment, but he sure is mad.
The silence was broken with Leo's trembling and defeated voice;
"it's time to get some rest, guys. We perhaps have a severe training tomorrow." Mikey and i nodded, although Mikey couldn't get his eyes off of Raph. My sad-frown deepened as i took Mikey's hand and got him out of the lab. We were walking towards his bedroom when he suddenly blurted out. "C-can i sleep with you tonight, D?"
I gave him my full of sympathy face, showing him that my answer was yes.
Ever since we were turtle tots, whenever He had a bad day, he would ask me to sleep with him or vice versa. He always needed someone to calm him down & tell him comforting words, or cuddle with him. Out of all of Mike's habits, this one was my most favorite.
I opened my own door which was closer & gestured him to enter.

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