Chapter 8

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Leo's P.O.V

His eyes became more glossy.
"D-did i do that..?" mikey cried out, regretting his earlier words.
"No mikey, you didn't. I saw them beforehand, too." i hugged him, giving him some of my body's warm.
"it's ok mikey, i wasn't crying 'cause of him, either." i felt him tense up. He pulled away from me, with wide eyes.
"you wasn't?! So i told him the truth for nothing?!"
'the truth?'
Silent was ruling between us.
I sighed as my head fell down.
"I'm going after him, do you wanna come?" walking to the lair entrance, i questioned him.
"no, thanks. I don't think he wants to see me anyways." looking anywhere but my way, he crossed his hands.

I sigh a deep one and turn my back.
"look,mikey. I know Raph better than you guys do. He forgives easily, but he doesn't shows it. So, don't think like that, ok?" not waiting for an answer i made my way to the sewers.

I was walking fast, but not running. The sewage was so quiet, i could hear my footsteps. As time passed by, i ran out of patience. I started running, looking for my little brother.

I looked everywhere, when I'm saying everywhere, it means everywhere.
He couldn't be topside, because when i was tracking him, it showed some places where he couldn't possibly go.

I stopped at my track when i heard a loud shout. My eyes widen in fear and i ran to the voice.
'oh no, this is not good, this is not good-'
I couldn't even finish my thought when i saw a laying body on the ground.


i scurried to him that i swear i could hear my legs crack. As i knelt down, his twitching body caught my eyes. He was twitching each 2 seconds, and with every sudden move, a small lustre came from his shoulders.

'could he be...electrocuted?! Oh no, i have to take him to Donnie'
I shook him, attempted to wake him up, but failed.
"Raph! Bro, can you hear me?!" what was i even thinking? I should've answered him, right there and there!

I pick him up in a bridal style, achieving a small blush.
'why the heck am i blushing?' i shook it off and began to run back to the lair, which was 15 minutes long.
Hold on brother...

Raph's P.O.V

All i could see was darkness. blank, black and dark surroundings.
I was floating in the..air you could say? When i saw that status, in a massive, like, MASSIVE size. It kept coming from low to up.
As my jaw was wide open, and my pupils were as tiny as an ant, i looked up, just to see a voluminous demon-angel standing over me.

His/her eyes opened, they were pure black. I gulp in dread, the demon made theirself to my size so my neck won't break.

"Hello, Raphael. I am Mars, one of the powerful monarchs."

'Mars? He means, the God of war?!'
"what do you want from me, where am i, and how do you know my name?!" i scooted a little closer.
"Oh, Raphael. I'm one of the gods, it's common for me to know every one's name. And this place, is your mind."

I looked around at my mind.
"what an empty mind i have then."
"no it's not empty, it's just full of darkness. A darkness that is making you blind to see your actual heart and mind. And that's exactly what your life is. You are making it a blurr and fuzz, instead of just letting it be clear and happy."

The word "happy" ached my heart.
"why are you here then? What do you want from me?" in defeat, i let my body dangle in the air.
"Raphael, i think you may not realize that you are the chosen one"
My eyes widens as i basically yell at him with my hands in the air.
"chosen for what?!"

"being the next God of quarrel. Don't ask why. Because you are strong, you have a cold side, but you will show the other side in time,just like me. You fight for your family and friends, even if it means sacrificing yourself. I know you are the chosen one, i always felt it," a warm smile forms on his face, a smile i haven't seen since..

-flash back-

I was the first one to learn how to make the dummy fly away, even leo wasn't the first person to do that! HAH! in your face fearless.
I stood in front of my father with confidence, waiting for him to say something. "very well, my son. You are officially the winner now" he patted my head 3 times and gave me that warm smile he only gave leo. "I love you, father!"

-end of flash back-

The words echoed in my head. My eyes began to water when someone interrupted them to not to.

",and it's time to wake up, Raphael."
'wait what?'
Before i could act, a big white hole swallowed me as i screamed Mars' name.

My eyes flickered open, as i could feel movements and hear someone panting. As soon as my eyes cleared up, my eyes widened in shame.
LEO, was holding ME, in a BRIDAL style!

"GAHHH!" i screamed in embarrassment, as he screamed back; "AHHHHH!!!" he let me fall down on my back, hissing in pain.
With so much effort, i sit back up, correcting my position when i felt someone hugging me;
"RAPH! thank god! I thought you were electrocuted! Thank goodness." he said in my neck, making me blush hard.
'he..he does care about me! I hope'
"why's that?" acting dumb, i smiled a real one.

"why?! You scared me to death! Why were you unconscious, twitching?!"
I raised an eybrow, but then shook it off. "i guess i don't know?" i forced a chuckle.
I may can really smile, but i can't really laugh.

"you silly Raph, c'mon. Let's head back to the lair-" he stops when he stares at my eyes.
He doesn't answer. "leo?" he is still spaced out. "Leo?" asking louder, i tilt my head a little bit.
"Hello? Earth to Leader in blue!" i can't believe i just said that.
he shook his head from side to side and mumbled a 'sorry'.

[hello there, guys! Well, i kinda made it a long chapter, for you guys to deal with it while i find the time to write the next chapter. Aaaand, if you guys don't mind, maybe give me some ideas (which i know you won't). Anyways, have a good old day/night!]

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