Chapter 9

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Leo's P.O.V

I was still running to the lair, then the signs became familiar. I can tell We were about 5 minutes away from the lair.
Sweat was all over my face, coming down like a river. My lungs were burning for some oxygen, but i never stopped.

I felt a movement from my arms. i looked down to see him with wide eyes and a crimson red face. He yelped while i did the same; and I'm not sure why.
my hands slipped and he fell to the ground. I heard a faint hiss from him.
He was about to sit back up when i approached him.

"RAPH! Thank god! I thought you were electrocuted! Thank goodness!" i said in his neck. I could feel him tense up a little bit.
his neck was so soft and it had a special scent. I was wrapping my arms around him, one on the back of his head and one on his shell.

"why's that?" he asked, careless about his situation.
Realizing my position, i sat back straight and held his shoulders.
"why?! You scared me to death! Why were you unconscious, twitching?!" i could feel him tense up again under my grips, so i softened them.

"i guess i don't know?" he said along with a chuckle. That didn't seem real to me.
"you silly Raph. c'mon, let's head back to the lair-"
i gaze into his eyes. They now had color and brightness, But what was wrong with them earlier? What was i missing?

I then saw his mouth open and close, but i couldn't hear anything. I was still spaced out thinking about him.
"hello? Earth to leader in blue!" that brought me back to reality.
"sorry" i mumbled it and i don't think he heard it.

"Come on, let's go" we stood up as we walked towards the lair. I couldn't stop thinking about his eyes.
While i was in my thoughts, i saw him look at me again with concern.
"leo I'm starting to worry. What's wrong?" he said looking at my direction, waiting for an answer.
"nothing really. I'm good. I should be worrying about you, though." not even bothering to look at him, i continued to walk.

'how did i never realize that his eyes were so beautiful?'
Then another picture came to my mind, showing his eyes.

A small blush formed on my face. I gazed behind me, where Raph was following me. He had a questioning face, but it soon drained when we reached to a dark place where there was no light.
His eyes were still showing in the dark. They were electrical emerald green. They were shiny like a green fire that digged onto my soul.

I could feel my face heating up, so i turned back, not wanting him to see me and think weird.
God i was so blind before!

Raph's P.O.V

Now it was worrying me. He kept staring at me every 6 seconds. I was about to ask him why when he spoke up;
"your eyes are beautiful." he said, not gazing at me this time.
That was enough to make my face redder than my mask. I covered my face, trying to calm down.

"W-where did that come from?" damnit!
"they have color now, i guess i was wrong earlier." no, you weren't. i actually saw them too.
'i think when Mars connected to me, my eyes came back to normal'

"Hah! Told ya!" he still continued to walk, not looking at me.
"so, why were you unconscious again?" he asked, making me jump.
I scratched my nape and looked down.
I don't think Mars would like me to tell him. I looked up again.
"well, i just fell dizzy, that's all."

"so? Then why were to twitching?"
I was? Shoot. I kept thinking until i found a lame excuse.
"i saw a bad vision i guess?" digging into my neck, he unsurely nodded.
"now my turn to ask you something," i said and made my speed as his.
He looked at me confused.
"why were you crying earlier..?" giving him my best worried face, he tensed up a bit.
He held his left arm and looked down.

"nothing really.." but that didn't satisfied me. I approached closer to his side. "leo, please. You don't cry for any reason. It must be important then." i put my hand on his shell and patting it.
"well.." c'mon fearless. I tilted my head to see his face when i saw his eyes glossy.
"I-it's about karai.."
Of course, i should've known.
his voice was so shaky and barely a whisper.
"what happened to her?" i tried not to be sassy, and it eventually worked.
"nothing happened to her really, it's just..i think she has a g-girlfriend now..?" he said that part so low i swear i heard it as a 'boyfriend'.
'wait, girlfriend?! She's not straight?!'
My eyes widens in shock. How would master splinter approve of this??

"wouh.." i stood and corrected my position again and stared at our way.
"sorry, leo. I guess i shouldn't have been pushy on you with my questions there."
"it's ok. I'm kinda over it now."
That was fast!
"found another lady for yourself~?" i said in a flirty tone, giving him a fake smirk. I'm not certain why, but his face was as red as my bandana.
"NO you darn perv!" he punched my arm playfully. I chuckled at his reaction. Oh, i missed this. As flash backs from our childhood came to my mind, my smile vanished.

"let's just get back to the lair..."
To my suffering place..

[boys and gentlemen, wait boys? Whatever. Hey guys!! I can't believe i actually found the time to upload the story. ~sacrifice~ is still on hold, so be patient and follow my stories. It was a surprise to myself that i put this 912 words just while they were heading back to the lair! Anyways, be COOL and SHELAX, BYE!!]

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