Chapter 6

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Raph's P.O.V

I stood up and walked over to her. Looking at her eyes, i couldn't stop.
'wait, leo said my eyes are..can she notice it?' my expression changes to a frowning face.

"oh raphael, i missed you" with that, she hugged me, and of course, i hugged her back. I feel like I'm safe in her arms, in her muscular body.
She lets go and sits on the edge of the roof. A fade smile forms on my lips.
As i sit down next to her, she starts-

"Raphael, there's something i wanted to tell you." a serious look takes on her face. That sent shivers down my spine. I slightly gulp and ask her what.
"commander G'Throkka will come to earth for about two or three weeks."
I'm surprised by that. Why exactly?

"and why's that?" she stares directly into my eyes.
'she really doesn't notice?!' she looks back at the stars.
"some business happened that he needs my help, so when comes to earth, i can help him."
"wait, couldn't you just talk to each other with your equipments or something?" i raise my eyebrow.
"no raphael, it's a special business that has to be done with me by his side."

A wide smile forms on her face.
"after all, i miss our commander." looking again at the stars, she smiles wider.
'ok..?now that's fishy..why would she say that?' my frown deepened, but i shook it off.

-with others-

Leo's P.O.V

That was weird, too weird.
I paced up and down, holding my hands to my face. Something is wrong.
I take a deep breath, and exhale.
'forget about him, I'll go to karai's place for her company..'
I smile wide and head to the door

'..after all I'm gonna confess to her my feelings'

~time skip~

I jump roof to roof to our meeting place. I swear i could see raph and mona in the corner of my eyes, sitting down. I frown. Wait.
I stop at where I'm standing.
'what is this it, jealousy?'
But why? Why would I be jealous?

I shake it off and start running once again. I reach to the roof. As i perform a cool landing move, i successfully land on the ground.
"Ha! Did you see me karai? I bet you're really impre-"
My eyes widen as i see karai and..another girl...?

"W-what are you doing?" my voice is barely a whisper. They stop as karai looks at me. Her eyes widens like mines, too.
"oh, um, uh, hi leo!"
I still stand there instead of running, like a turtle idiot.
"me and 'sh-shini' were, um," she lets go of the girl i think is named Shini, scratching her nape.

",making out" the witch girl says with pride, carrying karai's chin with her fingers. A blush forms on karai's cheeks.

My eyes water and i immediately ran away from them.
'she already has someone else..' i collapse into one roof and sob.

"my senpai!!!" [sorry sorry XD]
I wipe away my tears, but they keep coming.
I was too late. I stand up and headed for the nearest sewer cover.

-with karai-

Karai's P.O.V

I just broke his heart, I'm a terrible person. I knew he had feelings for me, but i didn't knew it would get serious.

I look up at shini. We have been dating for a month now.
"let's go, my darkness princess" a smirk forms on her lips as she walks away. I follow her, smiling as well.
'but he can wait, for now, let's have fun~'

-again with raph-

Raph's P.O.V

I stood up and looked down at her. I bended down to her and kissed her cheek. "bye mona! Will meet you here tomorrow, 'Kay?" as i walked away backwards, she answered "of course, Raphael" with that, i went to a sewer hole, but for my surprise, leo was there.

His face was wet, and it shined in the moonlight. I blush, but as i realize it wasn't sweat on his face, it disappeared.
'is he..crying?' as i want to reach for him, he's already in the sewers.
I sigh.

'hope you don't suffer my pain, too bro..'

To be continued...

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