Chapter 7

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Mikey's P.O.V

i was just walking in the lair, looking for something to do. That's when i heard running footsteps. I turned my head to the lair's entrance when;

"oh hey, Leo! Do you wanna watch some awesome-" i immediately stopped when i saw his wet face.
"leo? Bro you ok?" i power-walked to him, reached my hand to his plastron to stop him from running, but failed. He was fast enough to run past me.
I almost fell to the ground, but i managed to keep my balance.

I then heard the door slam, so i assumed that he was already in his room.
I looked at the sound direction, a slight frown, mixture of concern and confusion was drawn on my face.
My eyes fell on the lair's entrance as i heard footsteps once again, but this ones were slower.
There he was, Raph.

'what did he do this time?'
He then came to me and had this sad frown on his face. But nope boy, i won't fall for that.
"mmh, mikey. Have you seen le-"
I cut him off, annoyed about how he casually talks to me like he didn't just broke my brother's heart.

"oh yes, i did! He just ran to his room. Oh! And not to mention he was crying 'couse of who? Hmm..i don't know, oh maybe  because of you!!" slightly panting, i was now only inches away from his confused face.
"wha-? Mikey what are you talking about? I didn't do anything!"

"don't pretend, Raph! It was always like this, you guys argue, you pretend you didn't have a goddamn fault! And now, hurting him to the point that he cries?! You know when was the last time he did that?! Just get away from us already! Your hurtful words will kill us someday, i promise!"
I was hardly panting that my legs gave out and i collapsed to the wall, giving him deadly glares. It was like a heavy weight was off of my shoulders. I finally let it out.

As He shook his head from side to side, backing up, i could see invisible lines forming in his eyes-..wait..i just noticed..his eyes..w-what..?

Raph's P.O.V

I backed away my tears as i ran out of the sewers. Mikey was NOT the one to swear. I thought i had my little brother by my side, but i didn't. He's on their side.

I was about to go up the ladder when i heard a weird sound. I turned my head to the direction.
'what the..? That wasn't a normal sound.'
I let go off the ladder and walked towards the voice. As the sound was getting louder and louder, assuming i was getting closer and closer, i could feel goosebumps all over me. I could feel my eyes get fuzzy and blurry, but i remained awake.

Then that voice got really, like really loud. I could feel that it was right after the corner i was going to turn. As i got to the corner, i put my hand on the wall so i wouldn't fall to the ground, my eyes were all about to close when a lightning startled me. My eyes shot open when i saw a shining colossus which was like a half-demon, half-angle human. I couldn't tell if it was a she or he.
I hesitated to go forward, i tried to go back, but my eyes, my body, my soul was locked to it.

I couldn't help myself but to go towards it. When i was going to reach for it, a quick sentence passed by my mind;

"your life, your soul, you, inside"

I couldn't bring myself to even think about what it meant, what was the meaning, i just straight went to grab that thing, but to my luck..

As my finger touched it, i felt a huge pain in my body, like a burning acid was irritating me. Shouting in pain, I held my head with my two arms, digging my nails to my forehead, attempting to calm my combustion, but failed.
Then,everything went black..

Leo's P.O.V

As i slammed my door shot, i sat right down the door, weeping my eyes out.
I heard a loud yelling, but it was not from donnie, nor Raph. It was mikey.
I calmed myself a bit and tried to listen to what ever is going on that made my baby brother snap like this.

"..don't pretend, raph! It was always like this, you guys argue, you pretend like you didn't have a goddamn fault!"

"And now, hurting him to the point he cries!? You know when was the last time he did that!? Just get away from us already!"

"Your hurtful words will kill us someday, i promise!"

My eyes widens in sudden realization.
Raph was after me, asking me what was wrong, but i ignored him! Now mikey thinks we argued? No we didn't!

I quickly wiped away my teary eyes and face, getting ready to talk with my lil brother.
As i stood up on my wobbling legs, i felt the lair quite, too quite. I think that either mikey or raph had left.

I opened the door's lock, and snuck out my head to see one or two of my brothers, which mikey was standing there, like he was thinking about something.
I walked over to him, just to see his glossy eyes.

"Mikey? What's wrong?" i tapped his shoulder to snap him out of his thoughts. He turned his head to me with a questioning face ;

"w-what's wrong with Raph's eyes?" his shaky voice broke my heart to two pieces.

So, I'm not the only one who saw that..

[hi guys!! Sorry I'm not uploading much, you know, hell- i mean school is putting pressure on me and I'm so busy that i can't even open this app! Anyways, this chapter is a lil longer, i decided to write more since i wasn't online really, hope you enjoy! Bye bye fellows!]

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