Chapter 11

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Leo's P.O.V

As My eyes flicker open, i feel saliva hanging from the corner of my mouth. I wipe it off with the back of my hand and stretch my arms. My jaw still hurts from so much laughing of yesterday.
Mikey, Donnie and Raph may not know, but i have a really strong connection with my father. Just the thought of Splinter makes me smile.
I got up from my bed, putting my gear and mask on. I stretched my legs and arms one last time and opened the door.

As i enter the kitchen, the delicious and fresh smell of eggs with bacon tickled my nose. I closed my eyes, smelling the odour when someone tapped me on the shoulder.
"Hey, drama king. Ya know it's time for breakfast." He walked past me and sat on his usual spot. My eyes gazed into his green eyes.
'They look brighter than last time. The shell?' I shook it off and sat in front of Raph.

"Hi guys!" A sudden voice came from behind me. It, of course, was Donnie.
"Hey D!" Mikey said with a dorky smile as his teeth showed. He then continued to cook the breakfast.
Donnie approached Mikey and whispered something in his ear, which made Mikey's face a crimson red as he whisper-yelled a 'shut up!'.
That honestly was strange. What could Donnie possibly say to him that made him so, I don't know, embarrassed? Let's just not talk about it.
As Donnie was making himself a cup of coffee, he pulled out his phone and did his own business, with a slight smile.
'Probably texting April' I mentally roll my eyes as they, again, fall on Raph. His eyes were a shade of red, but not too noticeable. "Tough night, Raph?" I spoke up as i saw Donnie, from the corner of my eye, getting the distgusted face.
"Hmm? Oh, it's nothing," Not bothering to look, he answered with his head still down.
'I hate it when he doesn't tell the truth.'

-time skip to noon-

Raph's P.O.V

I was hanging out with slash and Dr.Rockwell when I heard a buzzing sound from my phone. "Sorry guys. I have to take this call." It was Mona, of course.
I jumped on a random rooftop as I pressed the 'answer' button.
"Hey Mona! How's it going?" before she could answer, I heard a loud noise from my phone. "Mona?"
"Oh, my apologies Raphael. Commander G'Throkka just arrived."
My eyes widens in surprise as my jaw hangs open. "Wait, didn't you say he will arrive in about two or three weeks?" "No Raphael, I said he will stay for about three weeks, but I never mentioned that when will he arrive either."
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I had a bad feeling about his presence. "Okay. Where can I meet you guys?" "No need. We will come to your friends' place ourselves. Will your brothers be there, too?" Just hearing the word 'brothers' ached my heart. I opened my eyes and looked up at the sunset which was darkening the sky.
"No, they're too..busy. Sorry, but I don't think they can make it." "That's alright, Raphael. We will be there in 10 minutes. Will See you later." "See you lat-" Before I could finish my sentence, a sound of beeping could be heard. "-er" I harshly turned off my T-phone and pushed it inside my belt.
'Breathe Raphael, breathe.' I inhaled and exhaled deeply, making my way back to Slash's lair.

-time skip to next day-

Narrator's P.O.V

Something about yesterday wasn't just right. He could feel it so badly. The red-masked turtle paced back and forth on a random rooftop.
He kept thinking about last night, about the reappearance of G'Throkka.
'Why can't I just shake it off?' he thought to himself, squeezing his eyes out of annoyance.


Commander G'Throkka was finally out of the spacecraft and Y'Gythgba was welcoming him. Ever since then, the short-tempered turtle was feeling sick. He could feel a weird connection between the salamanderian warriors. Through the whole speak with mighty mutanimals, he noticed the fact that the female salamander didn't acknowledge his existence, but he forcefully shook it off.

*end of flashback*

He stood where he was and burst out growling in rage, while knocking down some sources of electricity.
"It's so complicated! Why do I make it so complicated?!" he mostly said it to himself, but was answered by a bitter and harsh voice.
"Because you are not worth it."
Raphael was startled by the sound of his worst enemy he swore he would destroy all by himself. And now, to his thoughts, was the chance.
"Shredder!" He stood in a fighting stance, pulling his Sais out. "What are you doing here alone? Did your family leave you?" The metal-armored man said, not moving a muscle. "Heh, as if! They would never-" "You know that is not true." The emerald-eyed turtle flinched at the sentence, knowing that he was right.
"You thought I would not notice you sneak out every once in a while and do your usual self-hate action?" Raphael flinched more at the question. He dreaded that his enemy would use this method against his family, so he kept sober. "That's not the reason!" He felt like he scraped his throat, just for shouting to lie something important.
"You think you are pathetic, useless, burden," The burnt-faced man continued. The turtle squeezes his eyes as they could break, yelling at him to stop. He couldn't take it when he heard the word he didn't want to hear, yet that word described him the most;


He finally raged to his enemy, getting into something he wouldn't think he will do alone. A fight with the killer of Tang Shen, but little did he knew, it was his big mistake..

[[hey guys!! As you can see, this chapter is slightly short, slightly! I may won't be able to upload another chapter until next week, so be patient if i didn't upload! Also, this :
     __    ∧ ∧
  /\  (*゚∀゚)\
  \/| ̄ ̄∪ ∪ ̄|\
      |   |   love          | 
      \|   chu❤️         |  
             ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Is my love UwU! Love you guys!!

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