Chapter 23

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Narrator's P.O.V

The tense weather was filled with breaths of the two turtle brothers, facing each other. One that was calm and collected, and the one that was raging, trying hard to not break his teeth from the pressure he put on them with grinding.

"Leo. Choose what you think is right to do now, what you think is necessary." The genius calmly called, hoping that his brother won't do anything stupid.

Leonardo refused to face him, so he gazed to his side at the ground, while grimacing. If the expression and the feelings of a face could hurt, his deepened frown would kill anyone.

Minutes of silence passed, while our heros decided to give their leader the time he needed. But how long did they have to wait? That was one thing -other than the thought of his love- bugging Leo. So, he did one thing he was the best at. Ordering them.

"Go home, Don. All of you." His seriousness sent shivers down their spine, But the brain didn't show it.
"Leo. Don't." Donnie gestured him with his hand to stop where he is, in order to stop him from doing anything foolish.

"You're not the one to order. I am. And I'm telling you to...GO!"

A purple smoke hovered over the three in front of Leonardo, making them cough as they closed their eyes to prevent from the smoke effecting them.

"wait Leo!" Mikey cried out while his cough interrupted him one more time.

"Donnie! We should go after him!" April yelled out as she looked at Donnie concerned while she her breath fastened.

"No. It will only make the situation worse!" Donnie semi-yelled back while he brought his hands up in the air. The truth was, he didn't know what to do.

"D! Please!"

"No Mikey. We shouldn't."

"Donnie, Please! He will get himself hurt!"

"No! We should get back to Splinter and tell him....."

(the fight went on :/)


A certain red-masked turtle just came conscious from his passed out state, having trouble to stay awake. He groaned in pain as he felt tight, painful chains around his wrists. Therefore, the pain of his injuries were starting to show again; after the night of his heartbreak.

What happened? Was all his mind managed to think of. The anesthetize serum effected his brain somehow.

It took him seconds to realize his situation. He was kneeling with his legs on the ground, a thick chain connected to his neck making it impossible to move. As mentioned before, some chains on his hands and wrists. There was also segment of the top of chains strapped to his ankle.

The room he was in, was dark and almost empty with a table on the side.
There was no light, or so he thought.

One certain light turned on above him, making it hard to keep eyes open for a bit. He shut his eyes, then opened them slowly, just to see the person he didn't want to see.

"I see our prisoner is awake." Raphael growled at the sight of him, it made him feel nauseated. He held his head to one side, not fully facing his enemy.

"What do you want from me, shredhead?" Raphael said with plain expression. Shredder frowned darkly as he took steps closer.

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