Chapter 17

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Narrator's P.O.V

The youngest turtle was running towards everywhere, everything; hoping to see or spot any of his brothers. He had not good, but great news.

The turtle in orange entered the lab, closing the door and heading to the bed Donatello put Raphael on. He pulled a chair and sat backwards on it, while the back of it was to his bare chest. He reached his hands out to the unconscious one, shaking slightly. "I'm sorry, I sorry big bro, I mean it. I miss you, not like We all don't." he mumbled with sorrow. The eyes of his were filled with tears but he backed them away. 'Crying since he was unconscious is enough. I don't wanna end up looking like a zombie.' he thought. The happy, now sad, turtle sighed and buried his head in the chair, feeling exhausted. Suddenly, he felt a movement from his hands. He looked up, just to see the injured one's hand gripping and opening. His breath got stuck in his throat as gazed at another's face, hoping to see any sign of waking up. Raphael's eyelids were flickering open slowly. Michelangelo couldn't help but smile uncontrollably in happiness. He corrected his position and sat straight, focusing on his older brother.
He could feel the air hitting his eyes after a long time -to his thoughts. However, the air was like a bee sting in his eyes. Finally, his eyes were shut open, staring ahead of themselves. He slowly looked around, just to spot his little brother crying in happiness. "M-Mike-y..?" The voice of his managed to get out of his mouth.
"R-Raph!" his voice was barely a whisper and raspy. He held his grudge and bent downwards, putting his head on his plastron, slowly weeping. "M-Mikey..w-what's w-wrong?" Raph managed to speak up with a tired and scratchy voice. Michelangelo couldn't understand what he meant. 'After everything i said, he's still concerned about m-me? Leo was right. He has a big heart.' "O-Oh Raph. Don't *sob* talk. It's gonna be *sob* ok.."
Raphael ordered his brain to move his hand upward. He slowly patted his head, the corner of his mouth slightly curling up to a smile. Michelangelo fastly moved up and sat, making Raphael's hand to fall.
"I-I should tell the others!"
He rushed out of the lab, with no hesitation. Once again, the silence was making Raphael nervous. Nervous about being alone all over again. Nervous about imagining those horrible visions again. Wanting to end his life right there, again.
He looked around the lab with his sore, stinging eyes. Slowly gulping, he felt as he was swallowing acid. Raphael wasn't aware of  how awful his state was. How much that fight injured him. How much Shredder tortured him. He did not know, at all.
He didn't want to be alone, not after so much suffering.

"why are you making me see these?! You want me dead?!"

"No Raphael. It is not my doing!"

what was all those thoughts? Those nightmares he experienced? He kept wondering.
"M-Mikey.." Red-masked turtle called out, hoping for someone, but it had no use. 'who am i kidding? No one hears me' he thought in defeat. Waiting to his opinion was now the only option.

The brainiac was practicing with sensei about a special kata that meant to be for him, just him and his bo-staff. "breathe in, breathe out." the rat kept murmuring during the session. Don slowly made his bo above his head, spinning it with his three fingers softly. It was like this, until they heard a loud voice calling for them.
"Guys? GUYS!? " Michelangelo.
although the dojo was soundproofed by the smart turtle, it was pretty obvious the prankster was swaying around the lair; his voice kept getting louder and lower.
Splinter softly growled then stopped the training. "i think it is necessary to see what your brother wishes for first." he said with a small frown. "Hai, sensei." Donatello bowed. He headed for the door, reaching for an edge of it to make it open. Before he could open the door, Mikey burst out from the other side, ripping the layer of the door off. "Wha- MIKEY!" He yelped and fell backwards with Mike on top of Donnie. "Sensei!*pant*Don! I think you wanna*pant*see this!"
Mikey's face was drawn dry tear trails, as he was crying. But the expression he had now was complete the opposite.
Donnie eye-ridged in confusion.
'Mikey hasn't been so loud after the fight. What is happening and why is his face like that?' Donatello thought to himself as he frowned. Just an moment later, Leo's head popped out from the door. "Uh, what is going on?" the leader asked in confusion, crossing his arms to his chest. Mikey quickly spurted his face to his oldest brother, motioning him to go; "Go*pant*to the lab!" Donnie's expression changed from confused to a horrified one. What if Raph's heart stopped beating? What if he gave up living? What if he is dead now?! He had so many questions he couldn't think straight.

Leo got a concerned yet more confused face. He hesitantly moved away, heading to the lab.
"Mikey, what's wrong? What happened to Raph? Is he alright?!" Mikey pushed his finger to Donnie's lips, making him shut. "H-He's..ugh dang it..i can't breathe..let's just..Go!!" he tried to pull up his brother, but Donnie was still in shock and fear.

As Leo entered the lab hesitantly, he headed for the bed. He looked at his injured brother, getting a sad expression. Raphael's eyes were closed, since he didn't have enough energy to keep them open. "when will you open your eyes Raph? I missed your beautiful green eyes." he got glossy eyes as he held them back by closing his eyes. "remember when i said your eyes are beautiful? I didn't lie. They truly are." he crossed his hands on his plastron, kneeling beside him. He couldn't hold back anymore as he dropped his head on his crossed hands.
"jeez leo. Ya watch drama movies too much."
Leo's head whipped up, looking at his barely conscious brother.
He never felt so much joy before. His hands were trembling cause of happiness. His face was lightened up with hope and eagerness to wrap his arms around his younger brother and tell him that everything will be alright. As moments passed, his eyes couldn't bare holding tears anymore as he burst out.
"Raphael!" his voice was filled with delight as he approached him, wrapping his strong arms around him carefully, hugging him tight. His body was so filled with happiness that he didn't notice the other turtle was tense.
"Oh, Raph! You have no idea how much I'm happy you're okay. Thank God." He kept thanking dear God.
Raph rolled his eyes as he chuckled, although his muscles were all tense 'cause of Leo hugging him. Of course, he hugged back, although his hands were sore of the horrible injuries he had underneath his thick sport tapes.
"Leo..You're hugging..too tight.." Raph managed to speak out from that not so loose hug. Even though is Raph wanted it to last for ever, he knew the others will arrive shortly. "Oh, Y-yea. Right. Sorry."
Leo let go of that hug, sitting back with a tearful face. Raph noticed something; Leo's face was red. He didn't knew if he was embarrassed of his action or red because of shedding tears. Raph didn't bother and shook it off, as Leo wiped his face away. Leo couldn't let his brothers, except for Raph, see his weak side. He could never.

Donnie was rushing through the lair, reaching for the lab he had. He was stressed and scared. What happened to Raph? What if death was already taking away his life? What if his arms were bleeding through and he was losing himself 'cause of the loss of blood? Every kind of question went through Donnie's busy mind. It was like he didn't hear Mikey repeating "He's okay! Nothing is wrong!" all over again. "no..i have to check..oh god..please" he kept mumbling under his breath. "Don! Please calm down!" even though Mikey was screaming his lungs out, Donnie was still scurrying to the lab. When he found the lab's door open, he got a more horrified face for no reason.
He entered the lab quickly, about to dash towards Raph when he stopped at his track, shocked. Raph was rubbing his nape and looking at Donnie concerned, so did leo.
"Don? What is wrong?" Leo spoke.
Donnie didn't bother to answer, as he speeded to Raph, hugging him tight.
'not again' Raph thought as he slightly chuckled.
"Raph! Oh my God! Y-You're..fine!" his voice broke down as he hugged tighter.
He couldn't bear seeing Raph in pain after what he witnessed that night. He would never, ever let him be in pain again. Little did he know, his older brother was in constant pain.
" breathe." Leo chuckled at the sight of that, closing his sore eyes. His laughter was so adorable in Raph's vision, but he tried not to blush. "Oh, right. I'm sorry. Are you ok? Do you need anything? Food? Water? Or-" He was cut off as he quickly pulled back. Raph put his finger on Donnie's lips slowly, don understanding his action. "Oh, o-ok." Donnie slowly sat back.

"I think Raph needs some rest guys. Let's go and let him take a nap" Leo said breaking the silence. "Yeah..probably." Raph said hesitantly, nodding slowly. He didn't want them to leave. To leave him alone with himself and his suicidal thoughts. Alone with the horrible visions he has. But he had no choice. If they stayed longer, it would be awkward.
"Maybe..I'll stay with him in case if he needs anything-"
"no donnie, i..want to be alone now." he hated lying, but he had to make sure they didn't doubt him..

[hi guys! I'm so so so so so so so so so damn sorry about the delay!!! I'm studying for exams and it's hard af! Anyway, as a sign of apology, I will stay up late and write the next chapter for ya'll. Just, i don't mind you guys giving me ideas, vice versa, i actually need it! So, be free to comment ya'll! Love you!]

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