Chapter 4

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April's P.O.V

As soon as I step out of the door, I'm bombarded with loads of questions. I flinched at every single question that came to me.

"why the shell he isn't awake yet?" Donnie almost yells, losing his patience.

"did you even try to wake him up? It doesn't look like it to me." leo said calmly, but annoyed.

"did you wake him up yet?! Aw, man! I wanted try my new prank on him!" mikey complained.

They keep asking me that why Raph is not awake. Their voices isn't even clear for me anymore. I hold my head, gaze down to the floor, starting to tear up. I know what just happened after all.

"let him be for himself!! And leave me alone!" I bawl, running pass them. They look at me in shock.
I ran as fast as I could. I was running to the exit when-

"April, may I talk to you?"
splinter says calmly, but surely concerned, not knowing about the nightmare I just saw.
I stop, quickly wipe away my tears and nod.
"please see me in the dojo, if possible." his stern tone sent shivers down my spine.
I sigh and walk to the dojo, behind Splinter.

"I was always a burden"

"a screw up"

"ALWAYS a disappointment"

"four years"

"what's the point in saving me when none of you guys want me alive?"


All those words echoed in my head.
My vision got blurry and I held my head. I was deep in my thoughts that I didn't realize I was at the dojo's entrance and sensei already sat down.
"April, is something bothering you?" he says with worry in his voice.

'raph, raph is bothering me'
"N-no, nothing really is bothering me."
I hate lying, but I just can't let them know about Raph's situation. He probably needs some time.
I sit in front of Splinter, not knowing what he wishes to know.

"April, I heard you say something to my sons, to leave Raphael for himself, what is the problem?"

I pause. Should I let him know about it? He's his father after all. No! Not a chance!
"raph's not f-feeling good lately, and he said he wanted to be alone, so he could rest. you know Raph! H-hehe, typical him!" I said, trying not to sound nervous. Still looking down, I can feel him investigating my actions.

"april, if something is wrong, tell me my daughter." he says kindly, giving me a worried, warm smile.
I smile back slowly. Honestly, that smile made me feel better.
"nothing's wrong, sensei. And if there was and it was necessary, i will." I say with confidence, holding my head up, nodding the last sentence.
"hmm..very well. you may leave." he FINALLY said it. We both stand up and bow to each other, then I turn to leave. On my way i couldn't not think about him. I think I'm starting to fall for him- [NUUUUH, I WOULDN'T DO THAT! I wouldn't be such a monster. XD just messing with ya, she didn't thought the last sentence.]

*at the lair*

Leo's P.O.V

What was that all about? That was not like April, at ALL! She actually came out and gathered some bandages and water, I'm not sure why, but She might have seen something that wasn't a good thing, but what? What was raph doing that made April so..pissed off? At us specially!

I was deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice mikey and Donnie were gone already, and i was spaced out. I thought for a moment and I head to Raph's door. I knock. No answer. I get more fury. I knock again louder.
"what do ya want?" finally, he answers. Although it was so raspy, i accepted it.
"it's me, Raph. What did you do that April is so angry?" I say annoyed.
He stayed quiet.
'oh come.on!'
Ugh!! I hate it when he does that!
"can you at least let me in, so we can have a face to face conversation?" I said, still annoyed.
Silence fills the air.
Silence fills him, silence fills me.
"Raph? Please?"
Finally I heard the door unlocking sound. As he opens it, he turns around and goes to his bed and sits there. I could've swear the way he turned his neck it would break anyone's neck.
He brings his legs to his plastron, wraps arms around them and lets his head fall on his knees.

I go in and and close the door, not locking it. I sit on his bed, my head is towards raph, body towards the door.
"raph? What's wrong?" I'm now filled with worry and concern about my lil bro. Sure, him loving an alien is weird, but i love karai too, you know?

He brings his head up, looking at me, with no feelings in his eyes, not even anger.
I now wish that i didn't see his face...his emerald green eyes..were now dark, gray, empty eyes..!

To be continued..

[soooooo, how was the chapter? Let me know in the comments section please, I need to know my mistakes.
Anyway! Good night/day!]

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