Chapter 22

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Raph's P.O.V

Shit shit shit shit shit, SHIT! Did- Did that just really happen? Oh God.
I was pacing back and forth, with my hands on my cheeks on a rooftop near April's tiny house. I knew I was probably blushing a boiled beetroot.

He- He loves me! He does love me! I can't- I can't believe it.

I tried to calm down, but of course, it had no use. I wasn't going to be relaxed for a while as it seemed.

I closed my eyes, breathed in and out, slightly getting better. Suddenly, my thoughts drifted to that night, when April saw me. I frowned. should I go talk to her?
I was thinking about it for minutes, eventually nodded to my own thought.

I made my way to April's. I slowly knocked on the door, so I won't startle her if she's asleep. She wasn't.
April opened the door with a book in her hand.

"Hey April. I didn't wake you up, did I?" "Not at all! I was just reading a book before bed." she gestured to her bed to show me she wasn't asleep. "Right."

There was an awkward silence between us before I spoke. "Look. I'm err..sorry for that night and sorry you had to see that." My voice slowly lowered as I refused to face her.

Suddenly, she put her hand on my shoulder, rubbing it softly. I looked up to see her smiling with a sad-frown. She sighed before speaking.

"It's ok, Raph. Everybody has their own personal problems. I'm just concerned about your own health."
The corner of my lips curled up to a smile. I patted her hand away.
"Thanks for caring for me, April. I'll be going." we both said our good-byes and I headed off.

That was, until I saw a huge shadow from behind me..

April's P.O.V

I was about to get back in with my head full of thoughts, when I heard a loud shriek.


I dropped my book and ran out of building. I gripped the ladder and pulled myself up, while shaking a bit. God, I sure was stressed.
When I reached the rooftop, my eyes widened in horror.

Razhar was holding Raph's leg above himself while Raph was unconscious. He had a big, wide gash in his shell since I could only see his back. Fishface was also there with a bloody knife and a syringe which was empty.

I swear to God. You're going to be a delicious sushi, Fishface. I growled while getting out a kunai Leo gave me, since I didn't have anything else.

F.F (fish face) hummed in pleasant before talking,
"Master Shredder would be proud of us for being good chiefs." He chuckled evily while Razhar did the same with his raspy voice.
"Master wants him, though. He wants him alive, for now." Razhar chuckled again while he gripped Raph's leg more, making it bleed.

"Not on MY watch!" I shouted while I threw my kunai at F.F. He barely dodged it and the kunai scratched his upper-body. He groaned in pain while he held his side.

"Foot! Attack!" My eyes widened again as I wasn't expecting that. Before I could look back, a foot-bot kicked me in the arm, then the other ones kicked my other parts of body. I hissed in pain and gasped for each one of them.

"ENOUGH!!" I yelled again while I held my crystal.(Yes, April has her crystal here.)
I hunched every bots out of the building. I looked ahead of me, and there...wasn't any sign of them. Oh no! I lost them!

I started to run, but I felt a stinging pain in my legs that made me collapse. I hissed in pain and rubbed my legs. They were hurting badly when I touched them. probably bruises.

I reached out for the T-phone that Donnie gave to me, dialing his phone number.
It rang for 10 seconds before he picked up.

"Hey April. How's it going?" He said calmly while I heard him sipping. He was probably drinking coffee.

"Not fine Donnie. Please come to my house's rooftop! They got him!"
"April what's going on? They got him? Who got who?"

I groaned and gripped my phone,
"Damnit, just come over here!" I yelled at the phone then hung up.

It was a good 15 minutes they got here, while I struggled to stand up on my own.
"April!" I heard Leo gasp. I turned around, to see them with concerned eyes, mostly Leo.
"What happened?"

I looked at them, disappointed in myself for losing Raph.
"Fishface and R-Razhar..took him."
I held my head down, about to tear up when Mikey approached me and shook me gently.

"Got who April?" His voice showed he was annoyed, but didn't make it clear.

Their faces shrinked as their bodies flinched. They were horrified and their eyes were turning glossy.

"I..couldn't protect him. I'm sorry."
Donnie stood next to Mikey's side, patting his shoulder.

"Let's go talk about it, Okay? It's going to be alright-"

"Talk about it!? let's go TALK ABOUT IT!?"

We all turned to leo with shock. His face was a raging red while he had glossy eyes. His fists were tightening and to his side.

"What do you mean 'talk about it'!? They got our brother, Donnie! They got RAPH!"

Donnie let go of Mikey and stood in front of Leo.
"Leo, Please. Calm down. We're going to get him back!"

"Getting him back by TALKING!? Raph could be suffering in Shredder's damn stash! And then you want to TALK about it!?" his voice broke.

"I have to know every detail that happened here, Leo. Please don't make it hard."

With wind carrying the three-masked turtles' tails in the air and blowing my hair.
Leo was panting furiously, inches away from Donnie's face who was calm and sad at the same time..

what's Leo's answer..?

[Hey guys. Sorry it's too short. Poor Raph :'( anyway, hope you liked it. Again, sorry for being too short!]

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