Chapter 3

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April's P.O.V

staying there, in shock, My legs Shaking, i managed to find my voice.
"r-raph? W-what are you d-doing?!" I ran over to him and knelt down and held his cheeks.
"Raph? answer me please!"
He brings his head at my direction and looks at me with empty, dark Grey eyes.
'h-his..his eyes! They're..they're..'
He sighs and looks down. "close the door" his voice has no emotions, not even anger.
"b-but.." but i stopped when i saw him look at me with no emotions, but pleading eyes.

I stood up an went to the door, closing it. I couldn't bring myself to lock it. I was scared that Raph just straight up pass out here, bleeding and I'll be unable to save him, locking us here was not safe.
I did it anyways.

I turn my head around just to see him pulling his Sai to his wrist, again.
"stop!" I ran to him and threw his Sai away. It made a clanging sound when it hit the wall.
"why raph? W-why?"
I sit on my two legs in front of him.
I can't see any emotions in his face, but I can see tears forming in his eyes.
I hug him tight, tearing up. I rub the back of his head and start to sob in his neck.

As i realize his situation, I hesitately get up to take some bandages and some water. I managed to ignore them at any cost. I just straight up went to grab my needed things, not bothering to look up.

I came back, spotting no change in his position. I sigh and kneel down to him, getting his wrists and putting them on my thighs.
While I'm cleaning the blood, I see some old scars too.
'he had been cutting before, too..? But H-how long?'
I bandage his wrists and wrap new wrappings on them. I threw the old, bloody wrappings in the trash.
I sit down in front of him and look at him in the eyes.
I wanted to speak up when-
"why...?" he says, as he's looking in my direction.
"w-what?" I ask, not sure of the meaning of question.
"why did you save me?" he finally speaks.
I hesitate at first.
"b-because you're my friend!" I almost yell.
"what's the point in saving me when none of you want me alive?"
My eyes widen.
'he..he thinks I want him dead, too!'
I try not to cry, but fail.
"n-no..raph! I-I don't..! Why are you.. doing..this!?" i said between sobs, hard time catching my breath
"J-just because they scold you couse of Mona lis-"

"Not just that!" he yells, looking down.
I jump from his sudden action and fall backward. He gets up and goes to his nightstand. He turns around shows me the pictures of him and his brothers.
"i was always a burden." he shows me a picture that his brothers were playing and raph was staring at them with sorrow.
"a screw-up."
He then shows me a picture that his brothers were fighting, when it looked like they were not more than 7. three against one. (how da hell do ya have these pictures?!)

I frown.
"B-but that doesn't mean-"
"I was ALWAYS a disappointment"
He said, cutting me off and putting the pictures back on where they were.
"the time that we found out that this family was also a team, and we each had a role.." he said, while sitting down again.
"..I found out that I was just the angry guy in the team, that always screwed up, always made the team fail, with his stupid attitude; so i made a solution.."

I look at him with sorrow, shock and disbelief.
"h-how long have you been doing, this?"
I hesitate at the last word, he, too, hesitates to answer, then looking up to the pictures he had with his brothers.
"four years.."
I couldn't believe my ears.
He've been self-harming for four years, and his brothers didn't even suspect anything?!
"but..but this team just started one or two years ago. W-what was the first two years for?"




I hug him tight one last time and give him a kiss on head. He still shows no emotions.
"j-just..try not to do it, ok?" he looks at me.
"i ain't gonna promise, April"
He says and sits on his bed.
I stand up and look at him in sorrow.
"hope you'll be o-ok" I say and begin to leave.
When I open the door, I hear a faint mumble.
"I'm ok every day.."
I gulp my spite and walk out.

[Hi guys! Soooo, how's this chapter? Hope you liked it. Ugh, I wish someone actually read my story, anyways, have a good day/night!]

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