Chapter 24

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Narrator's P.O.V

Panting heavily, Leo stepped aside, taking his breaths. He barely took out any of his enemies. He was able to remove only Baxter stockman. Although, all of them were tired and exhausted; Even Shredder himself.

They all looked at each other with exhaustion and rage, refusing to give up. Suddenly, a sound from F.F startled Leo;
"Foot, ATTACK!"
A load of fresh Foot-bots came, each having tons of weapons. Leo's eyes widened at the sight of that.
I have to get Raph out of here. We won't survive! Leo thought, turning around to run towards his brother when Shredder blocked him.
Leo tried to do a head-kick, but failed when Oroku Saki hit him away.

Although it was hidden, Leo could sense the smirk on Shredder's face behind that mask. Shredder narrowed his eyes and turned around, heading towards the one and only Raphael. Leo's eyes widened in fear as he got up and ran, but was caught by Tigerclaw. Leo looked at him confused and horrified, pleading him with his eyes to let him go.
TC on the other hand, was feeling bad for stopping him, but he remained still.
"What master wants is what I obey." Tc closed his eyes while saying this and Leo immediately struggled against him, tears welling up in his eyes as he looked at his lover with fear.

Raph, on the other side, was calm and collected. To everyone else, it looked like he accepted his fate. But it was false. He was concentrating on making connection with the God of war.
Mars, hear me out. He needs your help, I do.
He was repeating his sentence over and over again. He slightly opened his eyes when he heard heavy metals banging on the ground as it was getting closer. The sight angered him. His enemy coming towards him, his lover being captured in the other enemy's arms, struggling. That made him rage more, the connection getting better. After all, it was the feeling of fury that was once the personality of Mars.

Eventually, Raph felt a strong power in his body, his head, everything. He smiled while he closed his eyes, thanking Mars.
The Shredder frowned at the sight of his prisoner smiling instead of seeing him suffering and in pain, as his pleasure faded.

He brought his sword up, ready to do the final blow. Leo's shriek of sadness shook the whole area,
"NO!" tears started going down his muzzle, him having no regret of his enemy seeing him this weak.
"I should have done this earlier.." Shredder's hiss made Leo frighten more, finally getting out of TC's grasp and running full speed towards them, But suddenly stopping when he heard a voice,

I now grant you my power.

Just when Shredder's hook was coming down, Raph's eyes shut open while he held his hands up and caught his sword. Shredder's eyes widened in confusion while he started registering what just happened. Raph stood up like it was no big deal and looked at the army in front of him.
"You're going down, Oroku Saki!" The seriousness sent shivers down the enemies' body. Raph's voice was now deeper and darker, while his eyes shined an extra green with golden lights shining out of it.
With a blink of an eye, Raph shattered Shredder's weapon to pieces, leaving all of them in shock. Shredder's sword was not the type to break easily.
Raph brought out his Sais, getting in a fighting stance. The enemies hesitantly stood in the position, too.

Soon, they lunged at each other.

Leo, who was confused and stunned with shock, was watching the fight helplessly; But his brother told him to do so. He said it was for his own safety.

Leo watched as his lover take down every single one of them, like it was a piece of cake. He has took down all of the Foot-bots, F.F and TC. And by took down, it means took down. It was now only him and Shredder.

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