Chapter 21*

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[warning! May include some smut but not a lot.]

Narrator's P.O.V

The red masked turtle couldn't think straight while his eyes got as wide as dinner-plates. It was unexpected from his brother - whom to his thoughts, hated him - do such an action.

His hands flew up in the air in confusion. He knew his face was probably a dark crimson, redder than his mask. His body was shaking because of a mesmerizing feeling.

Although he wanted it to last forever, he fought the urge to kiss back. To slip his tongue in Leo's and taste him. He wanted it so badly, but how dared he?

Eventually, Leo pulled back and looked at the nervous one with lust but also sorrow. "L-Leo..What.." He hated stuttering in such a moment, but he couldn't control it.

Leo snapped out of whatever kind of thoughts he had, pulling away. "S-Sorry...I just.." Leo couldn't find the right words. What excuse did he have in that time? After such an action?
"I just...I don't know..what got into me." He finally spoke out, looking down at his feet.

Raph wouldn't let it pass. He had lots of questions. "I..guess I'll just go.." Leo let go of Raph and walked past him, reaching for the door. "Not so fast, fearless.." Leo immediately got dragged, and then thrown on the other's bed.

Raph locked the door which was previously unlocked, wanting full privacy. Right when Leo wanted to stand up, Raph pushed him down on the bed.

Leo couldn't stop blushing from the sight he was facing. His hot, muscular and growling brother facing him with his both hands on side of Leo's head.
Raph's bandanas' tails were to his one side while his face was dark and faded from the lack of light in his room. Therefore, his eyes were shining unnaturally bright. one of his legs was close to Leo's slit and the other was a bit backward.

"Raph? What are you-" he was cut off plainly by his younger brother. "What was that for? Be honest Leo." Leo liked how Raph was intimidating, but he didn't say a word. "L-Look I.."
He just couldn't find any excuses, unless it led to confessing the true feelings.

"It was out of pity, wasn't it?" Raph's voice got desperate as his face got a sad-frown to itself. "N-No! No it-" "Then what was it, Leo!?" Raph started to get angrier, looking for an answer and Leo wasn't helping.

"L-Look I..." Leo sighed in defeat. He decided it was for the best.
"I...Raph I..Don't know how to say this." Raph got his face closer to Leo's. He demanded with his eyes for him to answer. But why was he so mad?

"Look." Leo said while he looked up at Raph with a maroon face. "I...I love you Raph.." Leo whispered the sentence lowly, very careful.
Raph was taken back by his answer. Was it in a way he thought it is?

"H-How so?" He couldn't stop the feeling, the heating in his body and cheeks. Leo continued while trying to eye somewhere beside Raph's plastron. "I-It's been awhile since I felt this way towards you. It was like..I knew we were meant to be." He finally said, looking up at his brother.

Raph just couldn't take it. He wanted to crash his lips into Leo's and kiss him like there's no tomorrow.
"S-Sorry you had to hear that. You'll probably think I'm gross or-" Raph didn't waste anytime to cut him off by kissing him again.

Raph harshly pushed his lips to the leader's ones, wanting to taste him so bad. Leo's eyes were wide and lit up with stars, so he kissed back. Leo wrapped his hands around Raph's neck and pulled him closer.

After sometime, Raph pushed his tongue against Leo's lips, wanting an enter. Leo blushed more and gladly let him inside. Raph's tongue explored Leo's mouth, while they both moaned in the kiss. Well, Leo did more.

After awhile, they pulled back for breath. Panting, Leo looked at Raph with joy and relief but also confused.
"Oh, Leo. You don't know how long I wanted to tell you this.." He got closer and whispered in Leo's ear slit, "I love you too, Leonardo."

Leo looked up at him blushing harder than before. The way he said 'I love you' was really enjoyable to him. His muffled and low-pitched voice was very sexy in Leo's vision.

"How long?" curious like he was, Leo asked anyway. How long was his brother feeling this way?
Raph's face drained as he went in his thoughts. Thoughts of the past he had. "four years.." Leo instantly gasped in shock, his eyes widening. Four years and he didn't notice?

"But, why didn't you tell me?" Raph got off from his position and sat straight. "I was afraid. Afraid of your reaction. Everytime I built up my courage, it would all ruin in a blink of an eye." Leo sat up next to him. "Besides, I knew you weren' When we met Karai, one of the reasons I didn't like her was because you were attracted to her. Right there I was sure I couldn't reach you, couldn't make you mine, couldn't tell you how much I love you."

Raph brought his legs up and hugged them, putting his chin on it. Leo looked at him with shock and sorrow. Well, He was blushing too of course.
Although Raph hated bringing her name, he had to confess completely, "When I was with Mona, I still had those feelings for you. But I had to somehow take the pain away by distracting myself."

Leo put a hand on Raph's shoulder and gently rubbed him and pulled him into a bear-hug. "Oh Raph. If i knew how you felt, I would have done something about it." While Raph hugged back, he got confused about something.

"Leo, how did you fall for me?" Raph asked in Leo's neck with curiosity while Leo started heating up. "Well,"
He didn't knew how to start.
"Ever since your fainting accident. It just..It felt different, I felt different."
They pulled away and looked at each other's eyes. Raph's eyes shining brighter than ever, while Leo's were sparkling in Raph's vision.
Soon, they shared another lustrous and passionate kiss soon to be a make out session..

[sorry it's short, but I had to update. I'm low-key fangirling here. Hope you liked it!]

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