Chapter 2

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April's P.O.V

"Donnie, that IS harsh!"

"we have no choice April. He could become just like one of them."
I looked at him with disbelief.
"why would you kick your big brother out because of his love interest..?" I mumbled, looking down at my feet.
Suddenly, I got a feeling that someone was listening to us.
'everyone is here, who's missing?'
I checked again. me, casey, leo, Donnie and mikey were at the coffee table, except- RAPH!

He was listening to us.
My body shivers as I sweat. My eyes stare into nothing but wall.
"you ok red?" concern fills Casey's voice. "yea, yea, I'm ok"
Then, I get up and power-walk to Raph's door, I basically ran to be honest. I didn't have time to look at their glances. I was at raph's door, unable to knock.
'maybe i should just go in, yea. He probably wouldn't open the door if i knock.'
I take a deep, shaky breath and open the door.
He's sleeping, not noticeably shaking.
I walk over to him, just to see the path that tears made by rolling down from his face, that are dry now. His dull face showed that he was hurt.

I get slightly angry at Donnie's word. Getting up, I walk back to the door and take a last look at Raph.
'I'm sorry, Raph.'
Then I close the door and make my way to my house with Casey, ignoring him all the way home.

~~*time skip*~~
-Next day-

I woke up in my comfy, light blue sky bed. I put my hands up and stretch them. A long yawn comes out of my mouth, since i didn't get enough sleep last night, thinking about him.

I got up and looked at the mirror. My god i was a mess! I had bags under my eyes, and my hair was a disaster.

'what ever, I'll just put my hair down. I should head to the lair, and talk to Raph, see if he's ok, which i know he's not'
I brush my hair and wear the usual clothes i wore and ran out of the house.

~*time skip*~
-At the lair-

"hey guys!" everyone look at my direction.
"april? Shouldn't you be in school?"
I face-palm, did mikey seriously forgot my school is over?
"my school is over, you dummy." I say playfully and smack his shell. He gets a 'oh, ok' face and smiles from ear to ear.
"better! You can hang out with us more, even all the time!"
I giggle. It stops when I notice that Raph isn't here.
"umm, where is Raph?" I asked worried. It was a risky question, cause I knew they maybe, dislike him?
"still sleeping, dudette." mikey said distantly, walking to the TV.
I frown. 'he didn't sleep last night, huh'

~*time skip*~
-lunch time-

"oh for the love of Splinter, Doesn't Raph want to wake up?!"
I glare at him from the couch. "easy, Donnie, why are you so irritated? Maybe he didn't sleep last night?" leo said trying to calm him down.
"what the shell was he doing, then?" Don said angrily.
"suffering cause of you.." I mumbled.
"did you say something April?" leo asked concerned.
"N-no" I said, sounding a little afraid.

"ok, now who's going to wake him up?" mikey said as he put his hands on his hips.Everyone looked at different directions, anywhere but Raph's door.
'that's enough!' I thought.
I get up from the couch and turn back, facing all of them. They all raise an eyebrow.
"April, what's the mat-" but before Donnie even can finish his sentence, I cut him off.

"That's it!! I had enough!! I'm tired of you guys disliking on Raph! He's your goddamn brother! And he didn't do ANYTHING that you guys HATE him so much!! I'm done, I'M SO DONE!!" I yell at three of them, inches away from the ground, some of the lair furnitures were in the air.

I put them all down and look at them. They are shocked with fear and confusion.
"now, if you excuse me, I'M gonna go check on him." I say, while I'm panting. They all give me a shaky nod.

I walk past them and go to raph's door. I knock. No answer. I knock again, louder. "Raph?" I frown, no answer.
"ok Raph, whether you like it or not, I'm coming" I said, pulling door's handle.
"come on Raph, I know you heard last night's argument, but just know this, I don't agree with any of-"

The scene I faced, shattered my heart. Raph was sitting next to his bed, his knees to his chest, as the bloody wrists of his were beside him and dull eyes facing the floor.

Sooooo, hi guys! This chapter is slightly longer than the last one, hope you like it, be sure to leave a vote and comment about the story. Bye!

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