Chapter 24+1

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Two years ago, after the victory

Donnie's P.O.V

"Whew Don! I can't believe Sensei approved our relationships!" Mikey said as he plopped on the couch.
"Yes Mike. I'm glad."
"And it's even more unbelievable that he even had type of those friends when he was younger!" I giggled and sat next to him, pulling him close by my arms.
"Heh, yes."

The TV was on, as I noticed Leo and Raph casually passing by to their rooms slowly.
Then, the realization hit me. I had to talk with Raph about his..self-harming.
"Mikey, I sort of have to-" But I didn't bother to continue. He was asleep on his tracks, snoring soundly. I chuckled and laid him on the couch, covering him with a blanket.

I turned off the TV, got up and headed towards Raph and Leo who seemed to be quite chuckling with each other.
'Sorry for ruining the mood guys.'
I approached them.
"Hey guys. Sorry to bother, but I have a word with Raph. Raph, would you come?" Raph looked confused but accepted anyway.
"Great, let's go to my lab."

We reached the lab as Raph entered first and I closed the door behind myself. Gosh, it's going to suck!
"So, Don? What did you wanna say?"
I took a deep breath and sat him on a chair while I sat on another one.
"Look, I'm not going to stretch it so I'll be direct." I blurted out nervously.
"Where is this going with?"
I sighed deeply and gulped.

"Raph, it's about your s-scars on your a-arms." Raph's eyes widened so bad I could sense fear and shock in them, a little bit of rage.
"W-What are you talking about!?"
He was about to stand up which I sat him down again.
"Look Raph. Be honest with me, why..?" It was like he didn't hear me at all.

"No. No it's not true. It can't be happening. There's a mistake." He mumbled enough for me to hear. "Raph?"

Then, he snapped.

"NO! It's..It's IMPOSSIBLE! YOU'RE JUST MESSING WITH ME!" From his tone, I found out he was having a panic attack.
"No, Raph just calm down. Everything's alright." I tried to calm him down by rubbing his shoulders, but it didn't work. He pulled away and tears gathered in his eyes.
My eyes widened.

"Let me go! NO!" I wasn't even holding him. He's probably seeing visions.
I'm not sure what he's thinking of, I didn't say anything scary.
"Raph please don't panic-"

"What's going on here, Don!?" Leo semi-yelled while he entered the lab. He must've heard Raph's shouting.
"Raph's having a panic attack!" Leo's eyes widened like mines too and he approached Raph.
"Raph, please. I'm here, everything's ok-"

Raph pulled away harshly and ran out of the lab. "Raphael! Get back here!" Leo said while he reached his hands out for Raph.
"What happened, Donnie!? Why is he acting like this?"

I knew I should've probably save it for later, but now was the time..

-with Raph-

(¡warning : Attempted suicide ahead!)

Raph's P.O.V

My face was soaked in tears and sweats. My hands were wandering around my body. I hate this. I hate when I'm having a panic attack, and I was having it again.

But the real question is, How does Donnie know about my cuts? How did he find out?

He probably hates me now. Oh no, if Splinter finds out, he'll be so disappointed! Leo! He'll hate me! He'll be disgusted! Mikey won't stop teasing me! What am I going to do!?

That's it, I'll do it now. Nothing matters in life anymore. So might as well end it here. But by the time I'm about to die, they'll find me. Using my Sais isn't a good idea; It's slow and it's painful.
I need something fast and effective.

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