Chapter 16

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Raph's P.O.V

I ended up being in my own mind, again. Floating in the air, again. Not being able to do shit, again!
All i could make out from what happened, was that it was just a vision, My worst fear. The fear that my family humiliates me one day, & I experienced it right now. It was worse than i thought.

Although it was all a thought, a vision, i was panting rapidly. My eyes kept staring at nothing when he appeared in front of me out of nowhere. I jumped a bit backward, startled by his sudden representation. "Greetings again, Raphael. How has it been so far?" i glared at him like i wanted to kill him. "you did this, didn't ya?!" i said the last part louder so he could understand what he just did. The pain he caused. His always smile faded as he closed his eyes. "..yes" i wanted to yell at him so badly, and i did. I couldn't hold back anymore.
"Don't you realize what you've just done?! You sure wanted to kill me! Didn't YA!? Why did you choose me ANYWAY?! WHAT DID YOU SAW IN ME?!" i kept saying things that didn't even relate to the main thing what i was mad for, nonsense. I could feel the anger get over me, and i didn't like it.
I kept saying bullshit things when His eyes shut open with a blinding light while his wings widened.
his deep, rough voice sent shivers down my spine. It was like he scratched my ears, so i closed my mouth. He sighed and with a blink of an eye, he turned back to his normal self. "I had to see for myself. See how you'll feel when your language..betray you." his words didn't make any sense to me, but still, my anger didn't calm down.
"your..reaction was something i wanted to see. I needed to see." I looked at him with a grossed out face.
"I'm not some toy to play to, ya know?" I muffled under my breath, mostly to myself, but he answered anyway.
"Raphael, believe me. I have seen this situation many times and i refuse to see more. Specially from someone so important. Please do not make it hard." 'what situation? My situation?'
His speach was becoming a blurr to me, like i wanted to pass out. But pass out more than this? That seems crazy. I'm already unconscious so, I don't know.
"Just..Just can you leave? I-i wanna be alone now.." even though i was looking down, I could feel him giving me a concerned face, then hearing him sigh, "very well then. Just so you know, you can call my name if you need me." with that, he vanished.

I breathed deeply and closed my eyes, processing what happened.
'what did he really see in me? I'm nothing but a fucked up shit. I deserve nothing. Now that i think about it, that thought should've been real. I'm tired of everything.' Tears formed in my eyes, but they actually didn't. I could just feel them.
'why did shredder not finish me quickly? If he did, i wouldn't be here. Speaking of him, Mars said i hurt him badly. Like, did i actually-' my thoughts were interrupted by a soothing, calm yet shaky voice, which was a fuzz.

"i promise you something Raph,"


"I will someday, myself, make shredder suffer your pain. Or even more! I promise."

My eyes shut open as they widened. I couldn't let him go after shredder, never! He'll surely never survive!
" no no!" i mumbled as i didn't know what to do.
'I'm such a dumbass, he won't hear me.'
The sound of sobbing ached my heart. He was crying! Crying cause of me. I fucked up, AGAIN!
"Leo, no..please...Don't cry.."

The worst thing about being unconscious is that you can't cry, but you'll get a severe headache or stomachache from it. Let's just say, i was dying cause of the ache in my belly.

-next day-

Narrator's P.O.V

The leader was sitting on a random rooftop, playing with the edge of his katanas. (leo, you do know playing with sharp stuff isn't good, don't you? :|)
He sighed slowly and looked up.
'being alone isn't really safe now. I should go.' he thought. He had a point. Ever since Raphael fought with shredder, turning unconscious, it wasn't a good idea to come out alone.
'guys are probably worried. It's better i head back' he thought as he sighed. He stood up, ready to move when a strict and creepy voice startled him. 'what the-?!' he swished and turned around, bringing his katanas up in a defending pose. His eyes got the cold, deadly glares he usually gave to Mikey when he didn't listen to his plan.

"Hey, kid."

Unlike Leonardo that was standing in a fighting stance, The tiger the didn't move a muscle. "What are you doing here without your footbots?" the blue-masked turtle asked, not messing up his position.
"Because i don't want to fight you, turtle. I'm here to talk." The leader in blue wasn't pleased. He knew the enemy had something on mind. So he stayed cautious. "We have nothing to talk about. Get los-" he got interrupted by a sentence he did not want to talk about. "What about your red-masked brother, huh?"
His eyes widened in shock and dread. Does his enemy know about the accident?

His arms weakened as they lowered with the swords, his face full of stress and fear.
"W-What about him?" although the weakness in his voice could be heard, The mutated tiger explained.
"I have seen his fight with shredder. Their long-lasted battle." Leonardo's eyes squinted in confusion, raising an eyebrow. "But we didn't see you when-" "I was hiding in the shadows. Somehow, Master Shredder didn't want me to interfere in their fight." He approached closer to Leo, circling around him.
Leonardo sighed in annoyance, closing his eyes. "So? What does that have to do with this..conversation?" Tigerclaw stood in front of him, getting his face closer to his. "Kid." Leo growled loudly as he got in Tigerclaw's face more, making him go a bit backward. "Stop calling me a kid! I'm capable of doing so many things you don't know!" he shouted in his face, as Tigerclaw got an annoyed face. "I know, but not more capable than your brother." Leo's angry face drowned in confusion.
"The fight. The way he put so much effort into it. I think I have the courage to say that, he is stronger than you."
Leader was confused. Where this conversation was going?
"Why are you telling me this?"
"So you won't go and fight Master Shredder alone." Leo's heart sank. His eyes widened in shock and surprise.
'How does he know?!' "How..H-How-"
Tigerclaw put a hand on Leo's shoulder, giving him the shivers.
"Please, Leonardo. I don't want this enmity to end. Battle with you kids is fun." Leonardo frowned as he pulled back.
"Heh, as if. I'll think about it, But you didn't tell me how did you know!" Leo yelled again, But was interrupted by tigerclaw's giant finger. "This loud mouth of yours made me aware." Leo tilted his head confused but then it hit him.

Leo was pacing back and forth, a hand under his chin. The blood was boiling inside of him, just like Raphael. He could turn upside down a truck out of anger. 'Who does he think he is!?' He thought. 'A man with just an armor and empty threats. Nothing more!' his breath was going fast as like it was a hot fan. He growled loudly as he unleashed his katanas, slicing different stuff. His muscles were all stiff in such a weather. "I will kill you..." He mumbled under his rapid breath. "I will kill you..!" he repeated as his voice got louder. "I will kill you!" he now wasv yelling his lungs out.
The thing he didn't know was that something or..someone was watching him from a not so far distance. The tiger...

Leo looked down at his feet, feeling ashamed. "Oh.." tigerclaw sighed as he pulled away. "He is stronger than ever, kid. Don't mess with him. I saw how your brother fought with the wish of not coming back alive." Leo's eyes widened in shock. 'wish of not coming back alive? What..' he thought. He forcefully accepted his enemy's advice. "F-fine." his voice managed to come out. "Very good. Now, go home kiddo. You don't want to get a cold." Tigerclaw chuckled at his own sentence, as Leo nodded. "But don't expect me to be kind to ya!" Leo jokingly yelled as he kicked Tigerclaw's chest. He fell backward, smirking a bit. Leo ran out of the area, entering the sewers from a manhole cover.
As he entered the lair, he stood still.
'what just freaking happened?'

{Finished! Here's another chapter of love with two.. Hope you like it! Also, this chapter is a lot shorter than the last one. Sorry!!}

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