Chapter 18

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Raph's P.O.V

Here i am again. Alone, in a cold and metal room. I was still sitting straight, thinking about everything. I groaned loudly as i flopped down on the bed. Leo was more than happy to see me awake, surprisingly. Mikey couldn't stop crying because of happiness and Splinter came and like others, gave me a hug with comforting words. Although they didn't comfort me. Donnie said i have to stay in his lab for a while, and honestly i don't know why. He seemed really careful and scared hugging me, and tense too! Maybe because the sight of my injuries still was on his mind, I'm not sure.

"your carapace is badly injured, there's a big gash on it. I'm not certain if it fully heals. Don't put much pressure on your shell or it'll start bleeding. There was several cuts on your legs, face, shoulders and plastron. One of them that was on your leg is really wide. I'm afraid it will leave a scar if it heals completely."

Donnie's explanations of my state was going through my mind, making me space out after every two minutes.
'badly injured carapace'
I can remember how hard shredder have pushed my shell down with his claw-like swords. It was like there they turned on a chainsaw and were pushing me to death. The other cuts and scratches were not as bad as the gash in my shell.
I can remember how i tried to kick shredder in the face with a jump-kick, but he dodged me and brought his hook up, making it scratch my right thigh. Oh man, that hurt so much.
I could remember it all.

After so much concentrate, i reached out for my phone that was on Donnie's table. As my hand stretched out more, the pain in my whole arm felt worse. I grabbed it and sat straight, laying backwards a bit. I drew my screen lock and opened my contacts. I scrolled down my finger, looking at my contacts. I haven't talk to Mona for a while, and I didn't attend our meeting too! Oh god.
I pressed on her contact, then hesitantly pressed the call button.
30 seconds passed, but no answer. The phone was beeping, so i knew her phone or whatever was ringing, but she didn't pick up.
'maybe she's busy' I was about to cancel the call when she finally picked up.
"O-Oh Raphael. I am sorry for the late response. I was..practicing with your little..friends." She replied between pants, and her panting was so rapid!
"Hey Mona. It's ok. I should be the one who apologizes, I'm sorry I didn't show up for our meeting. stuff happened." "It is ok Raphael. If you even showed up, you would not have seen me anyway. Business got severe." I sigh in relief. "Okay, I suppose that was a bummer for you. I hope I see you later." I smile and close my eyes, but then turned into a frown.
'why didn't I tell her the truth?' I then got the answer myself. If I did tell her I was injured badly and couldn't even walk, she would ridicule me. I had to show I'm not weak. Everybody knows, but she doesn't. I hope it stays that way.
"Yea, goodnight! Love you-" She hung up without any farewell. I growl and put my phone away, putting my arms on my forehead.
'why do I feel like she doesn't truly love me anymore? Is it something I did?' I was so confused. I decided to let it slip my mind till I wasn't getting a headache. That night was pretty much the usual, although Donnie's lab was cold as shit.

-time skip to next day-

Leo's P.O.V

eyes flickering open, yawning; I stretched my arms and pushed my blanket away. I took a look at my clock. It read '6:45 A.M.'.
'wow, I actually woke up late.' I usually wake up at 5:30 A.M. to meditate. Looks like my meditation routine for this morning has ruined. I groaned and got up from my bed. I headed for the door, opened it and made my way to the kitchen.
There was a feeling approaching me every second. Every time i thought about Raph, my heart would all go crazy, like it wanted to pop out from my chest. It was like they were pounding a drum from inside of me.
I put a hand on my plastron, slowly calming down and walked to the kitchen. There was some whispering sound coming from there, so I slowed down.
I peeked from the corner of entrance, just to see Donnie and Mikey making breakfast. I tried to focus and listen to their conversation, which was really fuzzy,

"...c'mon Mikey. Don' were amazing...night..."

"..shut up...someone might...remember our...?"

But Then..something unexpecting happened..
Donnie approached mikey, pecking his lips, as Mikey made a 'hmph' sound. Then something even worse happened..

"I love you..."
Was all Mikey said with a flirty face.
I took some steps backwards, holding onto my mouth.
'did that just really happen..?
Are they a..thing..?'
I shook my head from side to side, not wanting to believe the truth when I crashed into someone from behind me.
"Ow, Sorry-" It was Sensei. Stress went all over my body.
"It is alright, my son. What happened?"
I kept thinking for a lame excuse, when I found one.
"Oh, nothing Sensei! I just figured out that..Capitan Ryan dies at the end of the series!" I thought he was disappointed at first, but he actually chuckled quietly and patted my shoulder.
"This movies do not worth the stress and sadness of your time." "Hai, sensei. I just got too..excited." he chuckled one more time and walked past me to the kitchen. I sighed in relief when he was gone. Then, I made my way to the kitchen too, feeling awkward when eating my breakfast.

Mikey and Donnie were acting like their casual selves with no worry in the world. I growled mentally, wanting to know every single detail of what i just witnessed.
'Tch. No wonder no one found out about them till now. But why does it feel..right? Like they aren't doing the wrong thing.'
Practicing and training that day was so blurr to me. I couldn't focus properly at all!
I kicked Donnie in the arm then knelt down swinging my right feet, making him fall backwards on his shell. Donnie winced in pain, then got up and stood in a defensive stance. Right when i wanted to punch his face;
I growled and brought my fist down, cooling off. "You all did very well my sons. However, I expect improvement from both Donatello and Michelangelo. You will not know how the enemy would be attacking you."
We all bowed, while Mikey and Donnie said 'Hai, sensei'. "You are all free to leave." Splinter said, going to his room.
We all exited the Dojo and went different directions, although I kept my eyes on those two.
After one hour of switching TV channels, I got up, thinking of what to do. 'better check on Raph' was the first thought that approached me. There it was again; The feeling. I felt myself heating up so I slapped my cheeks softly, snapping out of it.

I reached the Lab's door, pushing it open when i saw Donnie on his computer. I rolled my eyes to Raph's direction, finding him in a deep asleep. I walked to Donnie's side, checking what was he doing. That's where i noticed something. He quickly exited his browser and went to his other browser. I frowned slightly with a raised eye-brow.
"What are you up to, Don?" He lightly jumped from my sudden question. "Oh, me? Nothing really, but You better stay quiet." He whispered. "Why's that?" He turned around and looked at me with a 'really?' face, his mouth going all flat. (you know, like that face 😑)
"Are you blind? Raph is sleeping right there, my precious leader." He whisper-yelled getting annoyed. I nodded with shame, then turned around. I couldn't bring myself to not walk to Raph's direction. My legs got the control of themselves and walked to him. I looked at him deeply. His eyes were closed and his head was tilted to right. His right hand was on his plastron while the other on was next to his head. I brought my face closer to his, studying his face. He showed that he was peaceful, But something about this peacefulness wasn't right. I looked at his closed eyes, feeling calmed more than ever when;
His eyes were flickering open, as i could see a small part of his eyes and BOY they were so handsome on his face! My eyes widened as I went back, turning around to hide my blush.
I heard a faint yawn from behind me. I peeked from the corner of my eyes, seeing him sitting up stretching his arms -although he looked like he was in pain. I blushed more and decided exiting the lab was now a perfect idea.
"Morning Leo- Wait Leo?" He called after me, making me fasten my speed. I entered my door, trying so hard not to slam the door shut. That was not my kind of thing.
I closed the door, locking it and heading towards my bed. I flopped down on my bed feeling ashamed and embarrassed. I slightly screamed into my pillow, gripping it tight.
'Am I in love with him? No! I can't! I couldn't possibly be in love with him.'
'But what if I am? No, but what if?!'
I couldn't figure out..

[hey guys! Like i promised i updated sooner than before. I was actually so excited while writing this chapter. The questions of the day are~
°is leo in love?
°more importantly, will Raph notice his actions?

°what would Donnie do now with his lil secret?
enjoy the story!]

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