Chapter 13

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Donnie's P.O.V

We've found raph on a random rooftop, injured and about to get..killed by shredder. Luckily, Mikey had some smoke bombs with himself.
When we reached the lair, no one had the guts to tell Splinter.

My eyes widened in fear and shock, to see my older brother in the state of dying. Mike didn't hesitate. He quickly pulled out a smoke bomb and jumped towards Raph and Shredder. He said his usual line, although, this time it was out of anger.
"BOOYAKASHA!" He threw the bomb to the ground, as he landed next to Raph. We disappeared into the sewers, and i could've swear i saw a tear shed from Leo's eyes in the corn of my sight.
As fast as we reached the lair, i rushed Raph's body to lab with leo, leaving Mikey all by himself. I tried my best to heal him completely, but from one part afterwards, it all depended on him. He had to choose whether he should go or stay, HE had to choose to live or die. All on him.

I was still sitting on my chair, thinking about what else could I do to help. I scanned every part of him, but no sign of anything that i haven't seen yet. I put my both palms on my face, thinking about the way i treated him lately. Leo was unpleasant about it though. His words came to my mind one more time,
'with any condition, any terms, we still have to have ourselves' backs.'
I mentally swore to myself.
I brought my head from my palms, just to see leo holding onto Raph's hands. The corner of my lips curled up to a weak smile, till i heard his words,
"Raph, please. Don't do this. Not now. I-I'm not ready to lose one of my brothers, I don't want to lose you. Please, open your eyes, i know you can hear me!" his shaky, loud voice showed that he was about to cry, but he was holding back. My smile vanished at that.
'i may have disliked him a bit lately, (bruh seriously?!) but that doesn't mean i hate him. He's my brother. My forever older hot-head brother.'
"leo? Need a talk?" using my very calm voice, i asked him. He hesitated before answering. "no..only a talk with him." i sighed.
"Leo, you seriously need to sleep, at least 8 hours per day." i took a look at my clock. It read 10:58 P.M.
"Can't i sleep here?" he wanted to stay with him so badly i could feel it. I sighed another one and continued,
"No leo. The lab is cold enough for you or any of us to get a cold."
He looked down before answering, biting his bottom lip. He finally gave up in sadness.
"fine..but please promise me you will look after him, ok..?" he asked with pleading eyes as he was getting up.
I smiled and stood up with him, patting his shoulder.
"will do, big bro." i gestured leo to go to his room, and he nodded with a sadness in his eyes.

After he left, i was still thinking about what else should i do to keep myself awake. My eyes randomly fell on the wrappings around his wrists. They looked all dirty and kind of bloody, which took my attention.
'hmm. Might as well change them.'
I got up and went to my top drawer opening the door, just to see only few pieces of wrapping package. Weird. I brought all of them, knowing I'll need every each of them. I walked back to operating table, putting the wrappings on the desk near it. I brought out a pair of scissors, starting to cut the bandages.
I was spaced out in my thoughts that i didn't realize something important i missed.
I shook my thoughts, trying to focus when i saw the moment, the scene i wasn't expecting. My heart stopped as i could only hear my rapid breath. The scissors fell from my hand on the ground, making a cling sound. A chocked gasp came out of my mouth, making me lose balance and falling to the ground. I could feel my eyes widen in the fear of this nightmare i just saw. All i could do in that moment was just sitting there in shock, processing what happened there.

Raph's P.O.V

All i could see was pitch black. No color, no light, no nothing. Just pitch black. I was quite similar with this situation; dangling in the air. I knew what was gonna happen.
Suddenly a fade light came up and then turned to someone who i met before, Mars. "hello dear Raphael. How have you been doing?"
I looked down and growled. He knows. I know he knows.
"i think you know exactly what is going on. Don't pretend." i told him the best way to don't show I'm disappointed in myself. I took a glance at him, just to see him..smiling?
Wait, what? Why is he smiling?
"you're not mad at me? Aren't you like..disappointed?" i approached him more with confused eyes.
"disappointed for what, Raphael?" "for losing the fight and..being weak?"
He laughed a bit and closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them again. "Raphael, Why would i? You did the best you could. The strong person is not the one who has muscles and always wins. The strong person is the one who is brave, who knows when to do the right thing. You showed that you are brave and didn't wait for your brothers to show up. You fought your enemy alone, who has no merci. Besides, you didn't actually fight, you defended yourself. There's a big difference between this two. Plus, I'm glad you managed to injure your enemy much."
'i injured him?! But how?'
"i actually did? Wow. That's-" before i could finish my sentence, I was cut off by an echoing weak voice.

"Raph, please. Don't do this. Not now."

"I-I'm not ready to lose one of my brothers, I don't want to lose you. Please,"

",open your eyes, i know you can hear me!"

My eyes widened in sadness and shock. I looked at Mars one more time, with a pleading 'can i wake up?' face. He gave me a warm smile "no raphael. Your body is still weak and poor. It doesn't have the possibility to wake up. Your body has to rest." i sighed in defeat. ",what am i gonna do now?" this sure could be realy boring. Waiting hours or even worse, days to wake up!
"enjoy your dreams i guess." he said jokingly and vanished in the darkness.
'now that is just greeaat!' i rolled my eyes in annoyance. I was now stuck in my mind for who knows how long.
'this is gonn' be a longass time.'

{heya fellows! I've archived this chapter for nearly a week now, just in case if i didn't find the opportunity to write one for my awesome readers! Anyways, the question(s) of the day is~

°will Raph spend a good old time in his mind?(nah just kidding this wasn't the question)
°what would Donnie think? Guilt? Distgust? Shock?
°will he tell the others? Or he will keep his loyalty?
¡Comment down bellow your thoughts!

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