Chapter 12

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Quick Leo's P.O.V

He is nowhere to be found. It's not a good sign. Whenever each of us are in trouble, the other one will be alerted for it. Splinter always says That it's because of our ninjitsu training. The bad thing is, I got that exact feeling.
I looked at my phone's clock one more time; only 5 minutes till patrol and he's not back yet. I mentally growl in annoyance and bit the corner of my lips.
'Be patient, leo. Be patient. He's probably at Casey's place, I don't know, probably drunk. He's not in danger, I hope.'
"He's not here yet?" Donnie said the best way he wouldn't sound like nagging. "No, not yet. Hey, Don't you feel like something's wrong?" "Why would I?" I shrugged my shoulders and looked down. The 5 remaining minutes passed by as I started to feel like he won't come back.
"Ugh! Let's just go. Maybe we even find him during the patrol." I tied my bandana hard and headed to the exit.
"So, we're not going to wait for him?" "No, Mikey. I'm sick of all this waiting." And without any other word, we went topside.

Narrator's P.O.V

The patrolling was pretty usual, although the youngest brother whined every 3 minutes, it wasn't for no reason though. The cold breeze was really weakening their muscles.
"Have we checked the south side of the city, dudes?" Turtle in orange asked. "No mikey. But we're about to do so. Be patient." The leader said with his usual calm tone and attitude.
They reached the area they had targeted for. The South parts were always solitude. No group of gangsters, No purple dragon, no nothing. They, however, were grateful of that, fighting in this coldness wasn't really a pleasant thing.
The teen mutants were standing on a certain building, scanning the entire town, when suddenly out of nowhere, the prankster brother blurted out. "I'm gonna call him, dudes!" As he pulled out his phone which they called it T-phone, He dialed his older brother's phone number. After a few tries, Michelangelo Ran out of Patient; "Come.On! Pick up bro!"

The metal-armored man was holding the injured turtle above himself with one hand gripping around his arm. The panting sound of both fighters could be heard in the silence of the night. The short-tempered mutant was giving deadly, yet weak glares. "I warned you to don't fight me alone, But you did and proved your pathetic and weak self." With a harsh tone, his grip tightened around Raphael's wrist, causing him to hiss in pain. "A-At..least..I-I didn' a-a..coward.." Managing to take out the words, Shredder raged and threw Raphael couple meters away, to the edge of the roof. As the turtle was struggling to get away from where he was, the T-phone of his rang.
'N-No..! Not..n-now...' Was all he could think before falling on the ground. He could hear the metal-like footsteps getting closer to him, and then, an empty space on his belt.

"Yes! It's finally ringing!" The orange-masked turtle yelped in exhaustion and anger after waiting for so long. He put it on speaker so his brothers hear his excuse for not showing up, too. "Raph! Dude, where the shell are ya?! We've already started the-" what he heard next, shattered his heart to million pieces. The sound of screaming in pain and coughing hard broke the silence. The three pair of eyes of them, widened in horror and fear. Mikey's hand trembled as he handed the phone to the genius turtle. The brainiac, too, was shocked and scared of what will happen next. The leader in blue wasn't himself. He could feel his eyes water as he backed them away. It was like this till:
"If you want him alive, then come and get your pathetic brother." With that acrimonious and bitter sentence, the phone hung up.
"D-Donnie..?" Was all the youngest turtle could say before the tears fall. "I..I-I'll track his phone.." With that being said, the now 3 brothers began to look for their injured, half-to-death brother.

He couldn't feel his body anymore. Everything he could see was just a fuzz and blurr. Shredder have strained so hard he could have sworn his shell would break right there and there. He heard Mikey's complaining behind the phone, but as a weak sound. He was laying on the ground, close to being just a dead turtle. That was, until the enemy said something that he wouldn't expect to hear. "Join me and you'll survive. That's an order." Raphael managed to bring his head up, but again forced to the groung with a big thud. "N-Never...I-I'm not..a y-you are..!" He said the last part the loudest he could.
A growling sound could be heard from above him, assuming that Shredder was so mad at him.
"I guess No one needs your existence anymore.." He brought his sword-like hook and was about to slice the turtle when:


Just like that, they vanished through the smoke..

[guys i am so sorry, this chapter is so short! I will try my BEST to write longer next time, anyway, hope you enjoyed!!! Also, don't forget to leave a vote and comment.]

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