Episode 7: Surprise, Surprise!

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(Inside Duel Monsters Interspace, in the dead of night, Hunter Renegade and Del Crystal are talking on top of a skyscraper)

Hunter Renegade: I hope Viper shows up soon.

Del Crystal: Knowing him, he'll be arriving late.

Hunter Renegade: Doesn't matter if he's late or not. I want to make sure everything is in place.

(Just then, Viper appears before Hunter Renegade and Del Crystal)

Viper: You called Renegade?

Hunter Renegade: (To Viper) Yes. I just received orders from Trapper. There's been a change of plans.

Viper: What kind of change?

Hunter Renegade: He wants one of us to take on that kid with the Interfactor of Bond in a duel. It does not matter which, he just wants to make sure that the sooner it's in the hands of the Duelists of Gameshade, the better.

Del Crystal: And Trapper suggested that you should be the one to do it Viper.

Viper: Me?

Hunter Renegade: Yes. Got a problem with that?

Viper: I find this all very ssssssssstrange. Why would Trapper assssssssk me to take on that kid?

Hunter Renegade: I'm not sure. He didn't specify any details. All he told us was that he wants you to duel and defeat that kid in a duel.

Viper: I underssssstand. (Viper smiles sinisterly) I'll make Trapper proud and take that Interfactor. Like a sssssnake in the grassssssss, I'll ssssssneak up and take that kid out!

Del Crystal: Good, now head out and complete your assignment. However, do not interfere if Techisk gets involved, unless it is absolutely necessary. Chances are Techisk might also be coming after this kid in attempt to talk to him after his most recent two duels. They may be unclear of the 6 Interfactors, but they may find out soon about it.

Viper: Underssssssstood. (Viper jumps off the Skyscraper and lands on a D-Board below. He races off into the dead of night. Hunter Renegade and Del Crystal look on)

Hunter Renegade: If Viper thinks he's getting away with what he did to Maskedina, he's sadly mistaken.

Del Crystal: Will Maskedina ever find out about what Viper did to her?

Hunter Renegade: I can't be 100% certain, but time will tell if she actually does.

(The dead of night continues)

(A couple days later, Jace is in one of his classes at the Trigrande City High School. He has finished up early with the daily assignment that was given to him and is now thinking back to his previous two duels with Maskedina and Beta Brawl)

Maskedina: (Flashback) The summoning conditions require me to use 2 "Maskedformer' monsters, so I set "Revenue Dancer" and "Duo Dancer" in the Link Arrows. I Link Summon! Time to take center stage, "Maskedformer Talentstar Angel".

(Jace's thoughts turn to his duel with Beta Brawl)

Beta Brawl: (Flashback) The summoning conditions require me to use at least 2 "Upperscorch" monsters. I set "Tagpartner, Powerplay and Blazetrainer" in the Link Arrows! I Link Summon!!! Meet the blazing king of the ring. Rise up! Link 3, "Upperscorch The Grand Blazeboxer". (2600)

(Jace begins to think)

Jace: (To himself) Those last two duels really tested my skills. Maskedina and Beta Brawl are indeed powerful and quite skilled. However, if they get involved in this battle against the Duelists of Gameshade, things could get out of hand.

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