(The Present)
Garrett sits inside a room. This room that he sits inside, he has seen it before on the television shows, CSI and NCIS. Its an integration room. Three of the walls inside the room are a white kind of cream colored, the wall that he stares at has a huge mirror on it. He isn't stupid, he knows someone is watching him on the other side of it. He can feel it, he knows when he is being watched.
Garrett's then moves his left hand onto the cold metal table in front of him. He tries to move it but it is no use. He has already tried to move the uncomfortable metal chair but it was useless. He begins to tap his right hand on the chair making a tapping noise. The handcuff around his right hand isn't too tight, but it keeps him bind to the chair. He thought this place was safe, they had let him and the few others in his group be for a while, but now; now they handcuff him to a chair. What kind of place is this?
This place was supposed to be safe. People around him said it was. Why would they bring him here now, after two months of living here? Were they animals getting ready of the slaughter? He has dealt with these kind of people before, and he will do it again. This time, he'll kill them, all of them, by himself.
The door then opens and a man wearing a suit with a brief case in his hand. He closes the and turns around and looks at Garrett. He walks over to the chair. "May I?" The man hinted grabbing the back of the chair.
Garrett just glares at the man and doesn't say a word. The man sets his brief case down next to the chair and then pulls out a chair and takes a seat. The man sitting across from Garrett is bald, he also as a well fixed face, well built he could have been in the Army or the Marines. Garrett smiles to himself in the thought that this guy could flex his muscles and his suit could rip. "Would you like anything to drink?" The bald man questioned from the other side of the table. Still Garrett doesn't say anything. "Alright. Would it be okay if I ask you a few questions? Or would I just be wasting my time here?"
"I'll be the one asking the questions." Garrett said in confidence staring at him. The bald man nods in agreement. Garrett isn't sure what to think, what is this guy up too? "How many Walkers have you killed?"
The man puts his hand under his chin and scratches it. "You call them Walkers?" The man lets out a quiet yet hear-able laugh. "The government calls them Zombies.....I guess I've killed too many to count one could say."
"How many people have you killed?" Garrett asked him still giving a cold stare.
The bald man on the other side of the table lets out a sigh. "I've killed about 53 people."
Garrett begins to wonder if the number is true or not. How could one remember the number of people they have killed? He can't even remember the number of people he has killed, but he does remember his first. No one ever forgets their first kill, unless they are a true hardcore murder. "Why?"
"I don't do it because it's fun." The man spoke softly answering the question. "I do it because its my job. Too protect this place. This place is the only place like it of its kind. Don't you think others would take it?" The man pauses and waits for Garrett to answer his question, but he doesn't. "Zed out there might be dangerous but the people on the other side of these walls are way more dangerous than any number of Zombies. I figure you have run into people like that?"
"I have." Garrett finally pondered. But the answer he gives is cold and quick. "I haven't forgotten what people can do."
"I believe you." The man said with a long pause. Then it is quiet between the two of them.
It is a dead silence. The moans from the Zombies don't even penetrate the room. For once Garrett can finally hear himself think. He has been in this 'Walled in Community' for about two months now, him and some others. He knows that many people in here haven't had to get their hands dirty, but he has, his entire group has. The things they have done just to survive, horrific things, just to stay alive in this world. Garrett now starts to feel calm again, if this man was going to kill him he would have done it already.
"Okay then Mr. Meter, would it be okay if I ask you some questions?" The bald man asks with his hand together on the table all polity like.
"You got a name?" Garrett asks the man. "Then you can ask me whatever you want."
"You can call me Agent Fields for now." The man said reaching down to his briefcase and bringing it up on the table. He unlocks it and opens it up and brings out a laptop which he proceeds to open up and turn on. "Now, I know you must be wondering what you are doing in the room, I assure you that you aren't in any danger. We just want to know your story."
A blank stare appears on Garrett's rock hard face. "My story? So you put me in a interrogation room, handcuff me a chair and make me sit here for about an hour or so and wait on you?" He wishes his comment sounding irritated and Agent Fields can sense this.
"I'm terribly sorry." Fields said hoping to calm him down. "Nobody told me when I was supposed to be here. I don't make the rules here, I just follow them. We figured that some of you may not want to tell your stories, so that is why we hand cuff people. This room, its the quietest room here, we figured you all would like some quiet. This is your first time doing this, you will be the first story that we have in the new data base."
"The handcuffs are unnecessary." Garrett said glaring at his right wrist.
"I'm sorry we just don't....."
"Trust you." Garrett said finishing the sentence of Fields. "I get it, your smart. No harm done. I would do the same thing." Garrett looks around the room then then looks back at Fields. "Why do you want to know my story anyways?"
"Not just your story, all the people that you came in with as well." Fields said typing on his laptop and not even looking at Garrett. "Alot of these people inside New Charleston don't know what it is like on the other side of the walls. Many of the people here are people with high ranking government authority. People you, you won't find in here. These government authority pricks were in here when it all first began. Most haven't dropped one Zed........Now that the human race seems to be going extincted, some smart ass thought they could live off stories. Pretty much you and your friends are going to be teachers to the people in here, just in case something bad happens, maybe they think they will be ready for it."
"So I'm a book?" Garrett asks with a smile on his face.
Agent Fields looks up at Garrett. "Think of it as a history book, a book from day one, too now. All about you."
Garrett doesn't say anything, he just looks down and thinks. It's not that he can't remember what he went through, it's that he doesn't want to go through it all again, losing so many people, people that he cared about, people he still cares about.
Fields is not typing anything, he is waiting for Garrett to speak. He can see that Garrett is having trouble trying to think about a topic. "Don't know where to begin, huh?" Fields mentions with a little chuckle at the end.
"No." Garrett said looking back up at him with no emotion on his face. "I know exactly where to begin, the day the world went to shit."

Nothing but Dead (The Walking Dead Fanfic)
FanfictionHey all, this is a book I have actually been writing this book since I was a freshmen in high school. Its about my town and the people I have grown up with (Names have been modified.) I hope everyone understands what I'm doing in this book. Garrett...