JD x reader // Slushies

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                Veronica's sister. That was you identity. Not Y/N Sawyer. You are sick and tired of always being in her shadow. One fateful day at Westerburg High's lunchtime, You finally found a guy who caught your attention. 

         "God Y/N, drool much?" Your sisters "friend" Heather Mcnamara said (yEs i kNoW tHaT wAs a dIrEcT qUoTe fRoM tHe mOvIe.) Ignoring the comment, you strode over to the guy.

          "You a Heather?" he questioned (yEs i dId iT aGaIn, sUe mE.) 

      "No. I'm a Y/N." you said, sassing his ass.

   "Well Y/N, nice to meet you. Or should I say greetings and salutations."

      "What kind of catchphrase it that?" you said, laughing.

    As time went by, you and JD grew closer and closer. you might say you developed a crush on the guy. One day he took you to 7/11. He paid for your slushie but you paid him back because you wouldn't let him be that nice. You two sat on the curb and just talked.

       All of a sudden he cupped your face and kissed your lips. It was amazing. You felt a little sad when he pulled away.

          "I love you Y/N Sawyer."

       "I love you too Jason Dean"

A/N: Sorry that this chapter is shitty. I honestly just wrote what was on my mind. aLsO wE cAn'T bE tAgGEeD hEaThErS oNeShOtS iF tHeRe aRe nOnE sOoOoOo... ((A/N by Salty Potato))

-Salty Potato and Boba Tea <3

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