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Maria writing.

Just so you know, requests are always open (at least for me) unless I state otherwise, so yeah, don't be afraid to request because a) it makes me able to get my shit together b) I don't have to think c) I'm not feeling guilty for not updating.

So, @Cool_in_college, I'm going to write your request even tho Anna already did cause like whatever :)

(Also, I'm in a heavy mood for angst so hmu)

(Also gonna add a few extra lines and fuck up this whole scene lol sorry)


You dug your way through the crowds, trying to rock your outfit confidently. Sure, you had already been complemented by Brooke and Chloe, but that wasn't your main goal, here.

Here. Jeremy Heere. That was your goal. Get him out of the mess he was pulling himself into. He had no idea what was going to happen to him, and it hurt to think about it.

Finally. Someone familiar. "Hey," you muttered a brief greeting, and dragged him away while Brooke shot you a look of daggers.

"Y/N-what the hell are you doing?" 

Damn, not even an apology, huh? 

Guess he really is pissed at me for whisking him away from his girlfriend.

Girlfriend brought a bitter taste in your mouth. You had been crushing on him for years, and now he's going to ruin it over a literal computer.

"I'm saving you," you murmur in a deadpan voice, trying to keep yourself from running over and hugging him tightly.

"I-I-w-wha-huh?" he stumbled, giving you a confused glance.

"What's wrong? Squip got your tongue? I thought being with him would've fixed you by now, but I guess not, huh?"

"Y/N." He stared into your eyes with confusion, and ran a hand through his hair. "What-what are you saying?"

"What would I say to you? I had an epic monologue planned out, all throughout our twelve years of friendship-" you sighed dramatically and try to put on a dreamy smile.

"Hey, sorry.It's just really good to see you," he smiled toward you, and you could feel your anger begin to disappear.

No. Focus.

"It won't be," you say coldly, pushing his affections off. "Once you hear what I found out."

"Okay, fine," he sat down, frustrated. "Go on. Tell me."

"There's nothing on the internet," you laughed quietly, a unwelcome tear fighting its way past your eyes. "And, ain't that weird, isn't EVERYTHING on the internet?"

"What about the inter-"

"So I started to ask around," you cut in, your voice fighting to be strong and hypothetical. "Finally, this guy I play Warcraft with with told me that his brother went from a straight D- student to a freshman at college. Wow, isn't it lovely?" You smile again, basking in the atmosphere and the hope in Jeremy's eyes.

"Yeah, of course," he points out the obvious, and you nearly roll your eyes.

"Want to know where he is now?" you grinned, pulling him up, spinning and laughing like you did when your were children.

"Really happy and successful?" he guesses, eyes shining.

"Wrong." You let go of his hands as if they were toxic, and you back faces toward him. "Totally lost it. He's in a mental hospital."

"I don't see what that has to do with-"

"Jeremy, think! We are talking about an insanely powerful supercomputer. Do you REALLY think its primary function is to help you get laid?"

Your words blur together as you continue. "It's a virus, Jemmy. It's going to infect you and spread, and keep going and going. Don't you ever who made them? How did they end up in a high school? Out of all the possibilities for mind-blowing tech, do you ever wonder," you trailed off and your hands interlock, "what's it doing inside of you?"

"You're just jealous."

"Huh?" you break out of your reverie, your worst nightmares coming true. "What?"

"And I thought only Chloe get jealous," he retorts.

"Jemmy," he flinches, "please. I'm doing this for you, please. I'm honestly asking!"

"Maybe I just got lucky, is that so weird?" he rolls his eyes. "With my history, I'd say the world owed me one by now!" you flinched as he raised his voice, unsure of what he was going to do or say next.

"And I don't know nor care about your brother's friend's whatever, but if you're telling me his Squip made him crazy, well-"

"His Squip didn't make him crazy-"

"Well there you go, then!"

"He went crazy trying to get it out!" you yell, tears now streaming down your face.

"Then I've got nothing to worry about. Why would I want that?" He yelled, his face red. "Come on, Y/N, move it."

"Please." you tried one last time.


You grabbed him by the shirt and kissed him. You both melted into it for a while before you let go, and his eyes danced up to you, looking conflicted.

You take one last shuddering breath, shoved him out and slammed the door, quickly locking it.

"Y/N, I-"

"GO AWAY, I'M ON MY PERIOD!" you yelled, your tears drying. You slid against the door, listening for his response.

There was none.

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