Clyde Barrows x Reader //I Wouldn't Hurt You For The World, Babe

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Gee, gosh, wow, Jeremy Jordan. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk- no but seriously, he's great. And uh, wow. 8K views. And I have had Wolf in Sheep's Clothing by Set it Off stuck in my head for three fucking days.

Clyde has always had a bit of a temper, but they thought they could take it.

"Clyde, honey, calm down," they said, gently resting their hands on his shoulder.

"No, DON'T FUCKING TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!" He yelled, turning around and striking them across the face.

For once, when they look at Clyde, it wasn't full of love or lust, it was with fear.

His eyes widened as he realized what he had done. "Babe I'm so sorry,"

They held their cheek in surprise and shock.

"I wouldn't hurt you for the world, babe, huh?" They said coldly, quoting his earlier line to them.

"And I mean it- I'm so-"

But they were already out the door.

They thought that would be it. Right?

Wrong. Because we all know fanfics defy odds.

They threw on their waiter/waitress outfit and began the day, already tired.

Halfway through the day, they saw a man who looked oddly familiar.

"Hello, how may I take your order?" Y/N asked as if it were drilled into their brain.

"Just a cup of coffee..." he looked at Y/N's name tag. "Marlowe."

After their shift was over, he walked up to you and purred in your ear, "Can't get rid of me that easily, N/N"

"Who the hell ar-" they started to ask, rolling their eyes until they felt a pair of rough, cracked lips press against theirs.

They melted into the kiss until they gained enough strength to push him back. "Clyde, I can't do this. I left for a reason..."

They walked around, getting the shop ready for closing, and they walked out, but not before yelling, "Kate! I'm leaving!"

"I can't leave with you Clyde. Not again." They sighed, getting into the car.

"Babe, not again. I've been a wreck since you've left- I can't do this..." he begged.

"You hurt me..."

"I wouldn't hurt you for the world babe!" He exclaimed, overcome with emotion. Anger was one of them, but heartbreak was more prominent in this mix.

"I'm sorry Clyde. I can't do this again." They said, before driving off and leaving a heartbroken Clyde on the sidewalk.

Well that was shit. But so am I. And Clyde, my poor child. We have a week off of odyssey! Yayyyyyyyyy. Freedom. Oh! Also, I managed to bake cookies without burning them! Jeremy Jordan makes my heart melt. Oh! My birthday is coming up! March 19! Love you guys.


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