Seymour Krelborn x Reader // Time Flies

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You were falling asleep on your bus ride to your job.

Just for a minute, you though as you closed your eyes.

You woke up to someone poking your shoulder.

"Hello! I'm Seymour. The um, bus stopped and you were the only one still on the bus,"

That was when you met him.

- 7 years later-

Your hand flew up to cover your mouth as the tears threatened to spill.

Seymour, the love of your life, was on bent knee at your feet holding up the most beautiful ring you had ever seen.

"I- I have know you for so long, Y/N. I love you. We have been through so much together, even huge man eating plants named Audrey, and I- I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Y/N L/N, Will you ma-"

He got cut off by you leaning down to kiss him.

As he pulled away, you leaned your forehead on his.

"Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes!" You whispered, tears still spilling out of your eyes.

How lucky you were.

-5 years later-

"Anna! Get back here!" Seymour called after your oldest child, who was running around the house with a diaper on her head.

"Got you!" You said as she ran into your arms, blinded by the diaper.

"Seymour, honey, could you go get Maya and David?" You called to your husband.


What a lucky person you were.

-20 years later-

You and Seymour were now happy grandparents.

Your grandchildren were named Maria, Thomas Brodie, Ben, and Minho (They let you choose the name)

You were the happiest woman alive, with everything you could possibly want.

You felt so lucky and thanked your lucky stars.

-25 years later (Present day)-

Seymour stood by the bed, wiping away his tears.

"Time flies doesn't it darling?" Seymour heard you whisper.

"Yes, it really does," He cried.

"Darling, after I leave, tell them my- no, our story."

"I promise." He said, crying.

"Time flies darling. Remember meeting at the bus?" She heaved our with difficulty.

"Yeah. No, no, no, Y/N! Stay! Stay," Seymour cried as he saw the bright light leave your eyes.

"Time flies darling. You were right. I love you. Goodbye." He said, dragging his fingertips over your eyelids.

A/N: Hello! Sorry for not posting. I've been really busy and just procrastinating and bothering Boba. So Boba wrote a chapter, so will I! I was Michael Mell for Halloween! What were you? BTW we still have to celebrate 1K so if any of u guys have questions, we will do a Q&A.


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