Beetlejuice! Philip Hamilton x Reader // Creepy Old Guy

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A/N: Beetlejuice does not die. I could never hurt the precious bean that is Philip. I also love musical Beetlejuice and Alex Brightman, soooooooo. Written for Hedwigg394. Wattpad is being a bitch and not letting me use the 'at' symbol. Ugh. Fuck this. Okay, well, I hope you like it. Thanks for all the support. Boba and I really appreciate it. -Salty Potato the bitch.

"Way back when I was just ten, simple and sweet," I hummed, putting on a smile. My red dress was beautiful. The ruffles elegantly bloomed out under my waist.

After everything Beej and I had been through, we deserved some happiness. Right?

"Everywhere Fellas would stare out on the street. And I felt used kinda confused I would refuse to look in their eyes but now I really love creepy old guys!" I lovingly said was I swooned over BJ.

His hair was a light shade of pink. I knew that one, I was his ticket to life, and two, he loved me.

"We all do!"

His curly hair was down, him obviously not bothering to put it up. He was also in a pinstripe suit. That would have to go...

"Hey babes. How's it going?" Beetlejuice asked me as he buried his face in the crook of my neck.

"It's hard," I fake pouted as I swung my arms around his neck.

He leaned in and I stuck a single finger between our lips.

"Aww, babes. You are no fun. At all."

I just giggled as I went back into my room to get dressed.

"Gum disease" I heard Barbara say in a sing song tune.

"Skin like grilled cheese" Delia sang, dancing around with a long trail of red fabric.

"Saggy old asses!" I joined in, laughing.

"Saggy old asses!" Delia repeated with a smile on her face.

"It's cute and vile-" I sang, grinning at how silly we were being.

"Hey baby, smile!" Barbara and Delia said, trying to mimic a guy's voice.

"To each girl that passes!" I spun around the room

Delia wolf whistled.

"They make me blush!" I tried to get out through a fit of laughter at Delia's whistle.

"Can't get enough!" Barbara laughed, probably thinking about Adam.

"Now one of 'em loves me, wants to be mine!" I hugged myself and danced around the room.

"That's right!"

"Marrying my own creepy old guy!" I ran my finger over his cheek, since he just walked in.

"I'm a creepy old guy!" He yelled, giddy as a five year old child on Christmas.

"My creepy old guy, my creepy old guy! I'm so happy I could cry!" Tears brimmed in my eyes as I said this.

"Girls may seem disgusted, but we're actually just shy!"

My creepy old groom! I thought as BJ and I did a dance around the room.

"Creepy old groom!" Someone called looking for him.

When he was found, I gave a sad look as Beej was whisked out of my grasp.

"Play that wedding tune" I called to the band as I ran to get my bouquet full of withered black and red flowers.

"Hey folks, step aside!" I yelled as I nearly crashed into them because of the shoes.

Who needs shoes? I thought as I ran over to BJ and stuffed my black heels in his hands.

"I am older, but I'm glad I waited!" He smiled a toothy grin

"'Cuz here comes the bride! I am marrying my creepy old guy!"

My creepy old guy! I smiled as the thought passed through my mind. Mine.

"Fix his hair!" I panicked as he tried to calm me down. We only had 2 hours! And his hair was a mess! The curly red locks were all over the place. I pecked his cheek as i shoved handfuls o

"Get him prepared for Armageddon!" He mocked my tone as I chose the correct withered flowers for the vases, obviously in a hurry.

"Sure, the groom crawled out of a tomb and is a total di-" I said giving him a dirty look when I was interrupted.

"But hey, hey, it's a wedding!!" Delia cried, flailing her arms in front of my face to stop what she knew was coming out.

"So dim the lights, pick up some rice, say something nice!" I said, instructing the little flower girls (who were also dressed in black) how to behave.

"It's my day to shine, I'm getting hitched to my creepy old guy!" I sighed. Everything was finally coming together.

"It's showtime!" BJ surprised me by coming up from behind and hugging me.

"Creepy old guy, creepy old guy, She's marrying a creepy old guy!" I heard our wedding song of choice play.

"Have you guys seen "Lolita"? This is just like that, but fine!" I rolled my eyes at F/N for his comment.

"Creepy old dude, creepy old dude! Our faith has been renewed, now love is alive!" Barbara sang as she came and gave me a motherly hug.

"Wave your baby girl goodbye.I am walking down the aisle. I wanna see a tear in every eye as I pass by."I heard BJ gasp as he saw the little touches we added while he wasn't looking. I added some withered flowers to my hair

"I know that on the outside he's disgusting. And even on the inside, he's disgusting" I said to him as I jokingly punched his arm. He was my everything.

He wore a red suit matched with some black withered roses, and he put his long, curly locks of hair in a ponytail.

"But I know that this time, I'm makin' it right, with my family by my side"

"O-M-G, dressed to a "T" fancy and formal" he said in a sing song voice, picking me up and spinning me around the room.
"I found me a wife," he winked at me, "L'chaim! To life! This is so normal!"
"I was ignored but now, I'm adored!" I couldn't help but smile at his happy tone, " 'Cause I extorted, tortured, and lied!" I hit his arm while he smiled at me
"Give it up for my underage bride!" I realized that I had to be in the back walking up the aisle. And I ran up the aisle. Barefoot.

"Here comes the bride! Here comes the bride! God be glorified!" Some people yelled when I walked/ ran down the aisle

"I can't believe some cultures think this kind of thing's alright"

"My creepy old guy! My creepy old guy! Doesn't he deserve a chance at life?" I skipped down the aisle

"Oh yeah, that's right!" Beej sang, pumping his fist up in the air.

"Yeah, that's right! Let's make him alive!" I skipped into Beej's arms.

"I am marrying my creepy old guy!" I squealed.

I kissed him, and it was like everything I had ever dreamed.

I opened my eyes and saw the curly red locks, the freckles. Except it looked like he was- well, alive.

"Beej?" I asked in shock.

"Uh, actually, it's Philip. Philip Hamilton." He said, flashing me a toothy grin.

I kissed him again. "Im glad I'm spending the rest of eternity with you."

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