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SO I WAS READING BACK AT LIKE, THE VERY FIRST CHAPTERS I WROTE AND JFC THEY'RE HORRIBLE- I might rewrite and edit a bunch of them by the way-

Okay, so I have an actual like, FEAR of CoA, so imma give this my best shot. (But seriously, shes fucking scary-)

I can't find the request, and I was writing it and it fucking got deleted, so here's a re write, I suppose. And whoever requested this, I couldn't find the actual request, so sorry if there was a specific plot or you wanted angst.

Anyways, whoever you are...

Here is your request!


Catherine sat down on the faded gray couch and sipped her Earl Gray tea from her yellow mug. Her hair was back in a super puffy ponytail and she was just looking out a window, watching the birds pass by and playing with the hemming of her golden brown colored hoodie.

Y/N was reading 'War and Peace' as a class assignment and was upside down, her back against the couch cushion. The large book seemed to completely mask her face.

Her H/L H/C hair sprawled against the floor. "I'd rather be playing Apocalypse of the Damned..." she whined, rolling her eyes and focusing back on her book.

Basically, they were just vibing. Catherine finished her tea and got up to make some more, focusing on the sound of her footsteps against the hard wooden floor,  when a loud thump was heard from the living room, causing Catherine to jump a bit.

Y/N was whining about how she didn't want to read it and the book had fallen over. The striped rug did nothing to muffle the loud noise.

Catherine smiled a little bit and walked over to the marbled counter. She opened a box that was on the counter, seeing messy green writing scrawled on the top that read 'xoxo, Anne Boleyn",n and got out a container of cookies her "friend" Anne had baked earlier this week.

They looked pretty good. Maybe a little oddly shaped, but that was it. Some were crowns, some were weirdly shaped ovals, and some were just rectangles. They were a nice peachy color with green frosting to top it all off.

She brought it to the living room and Y/N whipped her head back. She took a cookie and sat upright, crossing her arms and staring daggers into the fallen book.

Catherine laughed a bit at how childish and immature Y/N was acting. It was endearing in its own special way.

"Babe, you alright?" She laughed as she took a bite out of a crown shaped cookie before spitting it out. "OH- EW- it's so salty!" She exclaimed, looking at the spit out piece.

"Maybe she mistook the sugar for salt." Y/N suggested, looking at her girlfriend weirdly and taking a bite. "But the frosting is actually pretty good."

Catherine wrinkled her nose in disgust. 'That little fucking gremlin-' she thought, making a sort of "tsk" noise. "I could bake better cookies than that." Catherine scoffed. Jesus, everything was a competition with this woman-

See, Catherine didn't really like Anne because Anne "took" her past boyfriend away from her, but in all fairness, without that she wouldn't have ended up with Y/N.

Y/N shrugged and cuddled into Catherine, shutting her eyes and falling asleep against her girlfriend. And that was how they stayed for a while, Catherine sipping her tea and gazing out a window while Y/N snored quietly.

Im sorry this was shit but I shouldn't even be up right now- Anyways, hope you enjoyed. I'm going to go back to being a social disgrace now.


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