Anne Boleyn x Reader // Cookies

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I'm seeing Beetlejuice tomorrow, so expect a full show review soon!! Please send in requests. Or just message us. I'm a lonely child and I wanna socialize. Also, guess who's not sleeping?

"Geez Anne, chill out! We're just making cookies!" You laughed, seeing your girlfriends eyes light up and she engulfs you in a hug.

You carefully peeled the butter out of its wax wrapping and added the egg and cream cheese., whisking it together carefully.

"I know, but with ICING! And you bought GREEN icing!" She squealed, excited all over again.

You smiled to yourself. You loved her, as hot headed as she was. "Alright, could you get the sugar?"

"Uh, Y/N? Which is sugar?" She asked, holding up two containers.

"Uh, I don't know... you could always try it out. We don't need 2 cups of salt. Dear god no." You said, concerned.

"Where's the fun in that? Let's just guess. We're either going to have really good cookies, or salty cookies, and icing makes everything better," she shrugged, flipping the contents of one of the containers in the bowl.

"Wait no, ANNE!" You yelled, but it was too late.

"Sorry not sorry," she shrugged, mixing it all in.

"Anne, what if it was salt?" You asked, cutting the shapes from the dough.

"Then we'll just eat them anyways." She shrugged, readjusting her buns that rested atop either side of her head.

"That's disgusting." (THATS JUST BUSINESS-) you laughed, putting the cookies on a tray and sliding them into the oven.

"Now we wait." You said.

"Can we cuddle?" She asked, leaning her head on your shoulder.

"Sure" you smiled.

And y'all forgot about the cookies till dinner.

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